Extensive OC Development Quiz: Reka

46. What is your earliest childhood memory?
Hmm... Going hunting with my dad. That wasn't pleasant -- probably why I still remember it.

47. What is your happiest childhood memory?
Playing soccer with my friends.

48. What is your worst childhood memory?
...That's none of your business, thank you.

49. What was your childhood like?
Also none of your business.

50. What were your childhood aspirations?
I wanted to be strong like my dad.

51. What is your most embarrassing memory?
When I still sucked at soccer. *chuckles*

52. What is the most frightening thing that has ever happened to you?
Lots of things. Nothing I'm telling a stranger.

53. Have you ever had a near death experience? Have you ever died?
Unfortunately, yes. (mumbles)...To both, I've been told.

54. What is the worst thing you have ever done? Even if for a good reason.
I've been a complete jerk to my best friend. And..I've physically fought with my dad.

55. What is the worst thing anyone has ever done to you?
I don't feel like talking about it.

56. Are you from Earth? If not, where do you live?
I'm not from Earth, and if you live on Earth, you're not hearing about it.

58. Has anything life changing ever happened to you?
Yeah. No details.

59. Have you ever experienced anything traumatic?
Lots of times. Not saying any more on that.

60. Do you have any serious regrets? What are they? How would you act differently?
I regret the relationship I have with my dad now. I would try not to fight with him so much.

61. Have you ever lost someone you love? How?
I've lost two friends. I don't feel like talking about it, thanks.

62. What was your least favorite subject?
I hate History and Politics. It's stupid and depressing.

63. What was your favorite subject?
My junior high had a Wood shop. That was fun.

64. What were you best at?
Wood shop and Literacy.

65. Were you made fun of in school? Why?
Yeah, 'cause I stood up for the lower-class kids.

66. What was your education like?
Good enough.

67. How much education have you received?
I had to leave high school for safety reasons.

68. Are you still in school?
No. I'm home-schooled now.

69. Did you like school?
*shrugs* Eh.

70. Overall, how well did you do in school?
I did well while I was in.

71. What do you do for a living?
It's not exactly a career I do "for a living", but I work at a daycare center that shelters both lower-class and upper-class kids for cheap. Most of our money comes from fund-raising efforts, and a little comes from our families, for those of the workers that are upper-class like me.

72. Do you enjoy doing this?

73. Why do you do it? How did you end up doing it?
I like kids. And I wanted to be able to protect the ones living out on the streets.

74. Do you have any future goals for this job or others?
I want to get more people involved.

75. How long have you done this?
About two years now.