Roadblock on the Rewrite

I've hit a wall with Eternal Rain's light novel revamp.

I've talked about it with a couple people sans-spoilers and gotten at least a start at some ideas. In short, I wrote myself into a hole by expanding the universe without planning how all the pieces would fit together. Combined with the reason I talked about in this post, this was another major factor in my decision to rewrite it, and I'm finding out just how bad I messed things up. -_-;

One of those problems is that the second arc introduces an overseer organization. I brought them in earlier in the first arc's rewrite, but now, the timeline leaves two years between when they're introduced and when they finally get actively involved (essentially leaving a ticking-bomb-like situation unresolved for all that time.) I've considered condensing the time by removing one of the stories that come in-between (ALLIANCE, which introduces the younger Keyholders that take the fore in the second arc), but that will chop out a ton of character development, and I'd have to change the ages of the younger kids to match up. There's also the problem that if I ax ALLIANCE, I'll have to stuff the younger kids' introductions into an already-packed second arc. So, that's where I stand with the series' rewrite at the moment.

If anyone else has had similar writing troubles, how did you get out of it? Share your thoughts/advice?
