OC Quiz (Kita)

1. You must choose only ONE of your OCs. Do it again if you wanna use another OC.
2. Your OC must answer every question as truthfully as possible.
3. Title the journal as "OCs Quiz (your OCs name)".
4. When you're done, tag as many people as you want.
5. Have fun!!!

Character: Kita Hikichi
Story: Eternal Storm

1. Hi! What's your real name and nickname?
Kita Hikichi! I have a little buddy who calls me Kiki! ^w^

2. Interesting... what's your current age?

3. Uh huh. What's your favorite food?
Give me some soba, yakiniku -- I like 'em all!

4. And your favorite drink?
Fruit sodas!

5. Confession time! Who's your crush/lover?
BWAHA! I'm not interested in that stuff!

6. Aww! Have you two kissed yet?

7. Classic question! What's your favorite color?

8. Who's your favorite author?
Do manga authors count??

9. Now what's your biggest fear?
Something bad happening to my little sis' or my friends.

10. *stifles a giggle* I'm not laughing *bursts out laughing* Sorry. Any siblings?
Not funny! Yup, her name's Shiori.

11. Almost, it's only twenty questions. Who's your hero?
Humm... It's between Takeshi, Reka and Shuichi.

12. Ok, who is your worst enemy?
Anybody who'd hurt my sis' or my friends.

13. What would you do if your hero and your worst enemy got together?
Ask what the heck is wrong with my friends and drag 'em away. XD

14. Interesting... what would you do if you met your creator?
Tell her she can't draw me in a dress. XD

15. Okay, I'll contact them right now. Done! Now, what do you want to be when you grow up?
A pro athlete, man!! d>u<b

16. What's your worst nightmare?
Having to wear a scratchy dress again!

17. What's your lifelong dream?
Lifelong? Can't say I have one.

18. What would you do if your lifelong dream came true?
I dunno.

19. Ok, where's your favorite place to relax?
In the park! I'll blow off some steam playing sports!

20. Last question! What do you spend most of your time doing?
Going on missions with my team.

21. We're done! Now tag whoever you want. DO IT!
I CHOOSE YOU! Haha, I've always wanted to say that. XD
