30 Day Challenge--Day 1; plus a little rambling

I have actually been doing this on my facebook(on day 17 there), but i saw that some people were doing it here as well, so i thought, why not!? I may do a few videos differently though, just cause they are other ideas i had for the choices but ones i didn't do on facebook *nod*

30 Day Challenge-- Day 1: Your Favorite Song

I don't actually have a singular favorite song, but this is one of my favorites ^-^


i will also be doing this because i am terrible at updating, i know T -T, so it will be something for you readers to enjoy ^-^

Although, i do have some new news! (haha, new news) And that is, i have gotten a new laptop!!!!!!! *dances obnoxiously* It was just in time too, as my other one was limping to the death line while slitting its wrists in the process.....it is a miracle that i was able to get to, copy over, and move to my new computer without my old one committing suicide with basically my life in the process. I could NOT survive if i lost the files. Now i'm not being materialistic or greedy or whatever poor trait/sin that you want to apply to my statement. As surely many nowadays would agree, you keep a great deal on your laptop/computer/miscellaneous technology and losing that would be crippling. Hundreds of hundreds of media files, photos, images-- (mine/other peoples) wallpaper, avatar, loved fanart, fanfictions/doushinji, etc; scanned in artwork(for some they do their work digitally); all my writings be it original, fanfiction, poetry, random notes or things i wanted to keep on a doc; crochet patterns of mine, and much more! Not to mention to my favorites! I have a ton of favorites, while all organized in numerous folders, they are a great mass. OH and to make it worse, i couldn't get my favorites folder to copy over because of the internet links supposedly, and i had to MANUALLY go to, check if still works, then move over link to a word document. Over 29 pages. And i had chopped one of my folders within a folder within a folder within a folder within a folder nearly in half if not a bit more. Overall i spent about 12 sleepless hours of moving information over, about half of which was doing the favorites transfer *passes out from memory* HOWEVER i triumphantly say that i was able to get all my files and info moved over and mostly set up. There is still a LARGE portion of my favorites i have to re-favoritize *nodnod*

i believe we can all agree, that a mini wave in celebration of me is in order wwwwwwwoooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*does wave*

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....a nice rambling for you all. ^-^

i'm sure you appreciate it.
as you should.
o 3o
