I'm the awesome gnat killing, spot removing...awesome...person...

Ok, I received an idea from my friend Insane (you may have noticed me mentioning her once or twice ;) ) Anyway she suggested that I post my story Blade here on theOtaku, so I may get more interested readers. And I decided to do it. I will have to re-edit the chapters again--I find mistakes often when I re-read them. And then I will have them here for all to see and criticize maliciously. Expect that soon, also I have finished Blade chapter eight, typed it, and edited it. WOW, super fast, I know. But hey, I was bored in school :P Anywho, I’m just about to input the edits and send it to my editor friend for the final check! You people are all probably SO excited that your heads exploded. If that's the case, make sure you clean that up really well, nobody likes brain matter in their carpet.

SO, chapter eight is on a roll, for all you curious readers that have no idea what blade is and therefore are completely lost as to what to do with the information then just wait for me to post the story here...and if you REALLY want to, you can go and check it out. Only if you REALLY want to though, I don't want you creepy mildly interested people going to my story. ^-^

Anyway, just a heads up to you journal reading freaks!

HINTS TO THE OBSCURE TITLE: First of all, the title has absolutely nothing to do with the post...I was just being weird. I know, shocker. Anyway... I have skill when it comes to eradicating small, winged, creatures that breed like nobody's business. And I also seem to have a talent for removing spots...not great with carpeting though...something about those pesky fibers just throws me off.

-->For those of you that only read my posts just to see these recent and stupid hints, I suggest you get help. ^-^

