I'm the awesome gnat killing, spot removing...awesome...person...part 2!

Well, I have no idea how many people actually read or didn't really my last post. If you didn't then I suggest you read it as well as this one.

This post pertains to the opening of my world Blade. Which will now have Blade chapters as well as it's original spot on fictionpress. Yea^-^ Well, right now there is only chapter one(if it gets through or not), but I will tell you about updates for that world until it catches up with chapter eight or whatever happens to come along as it gets ready.

Soon I will start having my own artwork for Blade as the background of the World, but as of now it's just the original website picture tiled. Yes, I know I hate tiled but I needed something.

Hurrah fop those who start to read! If it get that one percent...well i'm not really sure how it works. If it appears on my world then I'm guessing it either did or didn't go through. I'm really not to clear on what happens if it gets through. If it doesn't I KNOW it will be in the world. SO, we'll just have to see.
