Gonna vent a whole heap so turn around now if ya dont wanna see that!
ANYWHO! What's good? I am crashing and burning horribly! Which led me to make a fairly difficult decision regarding art! and well, it sucks but I've decided I don't really want to make art anymore! It was a coping mechanism all throughout school, and I really truly enjoyed it! BUT unfortunately, between working and dealing with real life drama, I just don't have the energy or time to do art. More than that though, I don't really derive any kind of enjoyment from it anymore? Like I used to make art to help get through all the tough things I went through in my teenage years but now? I don't feel like I really need to draw as an outlet any longer and thus I've kinda lost interest in it.
Although, in saying that, I don't have any other healthy outlets for any of the troubles I'm having so maybe I'm just making a hasty decision here? I'm not sure, but anyways, I'm taking a step back from pretty much all social media too, maybe I'll abandon them completely in time which might be for the best.
Eh, I guess I'm just very unhappy so I'm doing all kinds of wacky stuff to try and I dunno, kickstart some kind of reaction from myself? So far, not working at all but whatever, I'll figure something out eventually.