Welcome to The Everything Guru!! This is Greedsdoll tellin' you hello! The current theme right now is Fullmetal Alchemist, a theme I haven't done in a VERY long time.
~2 Rules Only, which are both easy to follow, so please do~
1. Please don't post depressing content (unless someone died) because it makes everyone else sad. I try not to myself, but it sometimes attempts go down the drain. ^-^' So please try to refrain from that.

2. Have plenty of F-U-N! (That spells 'FUN' for anyone who doesn't know... which, I hope you all do...)

Great things to happen lately!!

Yeah. Well, this is... some great things that have happened to me lately... as my title tells you.

Last week, on Sunday, Purple Rose spent the night. We watched the Grudge 2, and just about shit ourselves... It was SOOOOOOOO SCARY!!!

Then... on Tuesday, I think, for no particular reason, my gma bought me Guitar Hero for my DS. ^-^ I've been playing it pretty much nonstop since I brought it home.

Hm... on... Friday... I think it was, another friend spent the night. We watched an awesome movie called Pulse (I recorded it on DVR) and Ian Somerhalder is soooo Uber SMEXY!!

On Saturday, I went out to eat with Greg's dad, and afterwards, my sis took me to Borders to sign up for my copy of Breaking Dawn. YAY!!! ^-^ And then we went to Best Buy to look around. Some guys were hitting on my sister when we went in there. It was a little bit creepy.

On Sunday, we went to a Royals Game!! Did any of you know that Mike Sweeney got traded?!! He was my favorite player too! But now, since he's on a different team, DeJesus (pronounced De-Heysuse) is my fave player.

Now, until Thursday, I'm staying at my gmas while my mom and every1 else goes to Oregon.

So today, my gma took me to the library to get a new library card and some books. I just finished one of them called: Everlost. It's an AMAZING book! I highly recommend it!! Then we also went to see Journey to the Center of the Earth. It was sooooooooooooooo good!! And I'm really glad that they got the RealD instead of 3D now. The stupid red and blue glasses only made everything purple, and stuff didn't even really look 3D. It only looked like there was two of everything. This new RealD technology doesn't change any of the colors, and everything looks more real.

SQUEE!! Only 18 days 'til Breaking Dawn comes out!! AHHHHH I CAN'T WAIT!!

In honor of this momentous occasion, I've created this:

You know you love Twilight when/if....

You call your dad Charlie, even if his name is something way different... like Earl.

Someone mentions killing vampires with garlic and you reply:"Silly! That's just a myth!"

You think pale guys are hotter than tan guys.

You have apples everywhere because it reminds you of the book.

Any other books can't grab your attention because you constantly think of Twilight.

Any movie or book you see/read, you compare the characters to Twilight characters.

You have to resist the urge to sit and watch the countdowns on Stephenie Meyer's site.

You want to get a permanent tatoo of something from the books.

Every guy you know/meet, you classify into one of two categories: Edward or Jacob.

You classify people as "Edward Drivers" and "Bella Drivers"

You dream about you in their world.

You've decided to give up on sun exposure in an attempt to become paler.

You get chills up your spine when you think of Bella and Edward's love for one another.

You've read the books over ten times each.

You know you're in love with Edward when/if...

You're scared to go into forests because you think he's there and he's going to leave you.

Fast drivers don't scare you...

You open your window and look around for him.

You want a shiny silver Volvo with the same windows, interior, license plate, etc... as Edward's shiny silver Volvo.

You get mad when someone says they would rather be with Jacob because they aren't really ecstatic about Edward. ( ^-~ Hee hee, sorry Edward fans!! )

You prefer rainy days to sunny ones because you'd miss Edward.

Your friend says "vampires can only come out at night" and you reply "No they're just shinier during the day"

Someone asks you a question about all vampires in particular and instead of saying "they" you say "he"

If you're booking a flight to Forks, Washington for the future.

You know you're obsessed/in love with Jacob when/if...

Every time you see a black motorcylce speed by, you wonder if there's a certain werewolf under the helmet.

Every time you hear a wolf howl, you yell "Jacob, is that you?"

You see your brother without a shirt on and immediately think if Jacob. ( ^-~ Oh yeah! Makes me wish I had a brother! )

You like Indians/tan people over pale ones.

You try to morph into a werewolf when you're mad. ( Heh, guilty... )

You prefer long haired guys to shorter haired ones.

Every time you see some guy that's 6'10" you walk up to him and ask if he's Jacob.

You find yourself looking for him at Prom, no matter how far away you are from La Push.

If you're booking a flight to La Push, Washington for the future.

You find yourself more of a dog lover nowdays, even if you're allergic or were a cat lover.

ONE LAST ONE, because I've done this one, and it just goes to show how much I love Jacob....

If you own the Nintendogs game, and you found a dog with the right colored fur and named him Jacob.

Hee! Personally, my fave character is Jacob!! *huggles imaginary Jacob* I luff him sooo much!

I hope you all are looking forward to it just as much as I am!! Just remember, only 18 days!!

Luv Lots!!
Stephi B.

Hm, just events.

Yeah, there really isn't much to say. I mean, i've been pretty bored lately, except for the small amount of shopping I've been doing. I got some guys' boxers to wear to sleep in, and a couple o' shirts. I also got a new sketch book and a Jeff Foxworthy 'you might be a redneck if...' lol.
Today, I died my tips blue again. It's so kool.
And I just finished watching Sweeney Todd. I never got to go see it in theaters, so my sis bought it. It's a really good movie. I don't know why everyone says it's disgusting and horrible... Johnny has a pretty good voice (better than I thought) and the blood doesn't even look real... So..... yep.

Yarg... I won't be on for a few weeks, 'cause Starting monday, I have volleyball camp. Then, next weekend, I go to Arkansas for my family reunion. The next weekend, is Father's day, and my mom is getting married...
I don't think I'm going, even though she cried cause I wasn't. I don't wanna be selfish or anything, but I just dont want to watch her tie the knot with a complete psyco/jerk. She's mad cause of that, but to be honest, I don't care.
After that, I don't know if I'll be back to post for a long time. I just don't know what my schedule is.

So, yeah. 4give me if you don't hear anything for a couple of months.

Do you guys remember the guy I was going out with that asked me out almost 30 times? Well, we kinda -really- talked at MORP (jr high dance) and got everything sorted out. I stopped making excuses and told him the truth, and now we're tryin' to work something out. We're probably gonna try again next year.

SQUEE!! We had our last day of school on the 27th!! I had to say goodbye to one of my friends that won't be going to our school next year, and then I had to say goodbye to the rest of my friends for the summer. *sighs* Yeah, but then I got reunited with a couple of them on the 29th b/c of Risa Black Wolf's end of school party. It was a blast. Except for her stupid bf. (No offense) but none of us like him. LOL

That's about it.

ATTENTION STEPHENIE MEYER FANS!! Have any of you read her latest book 'The Host'? No one ever thought they'd hear these words coming out of my mouth, but it's actually better than the Twilight Series!!! Here's the cover:

Coming Back

Yep. I have decided to come back. I'm sorry if all you guys are mad at me for leaving, but this new otaku frustrated me. However, I've been snooping around the site for the past, oh, how long has it been? Well, however long ago, and I decided that it can't be as hard as it looks. ^-^ So, here I am! And anyways, if there's something I don't know, then the people at Sakura's Headquarters seem to know what they're doing. I can ask them. Lol.

I won't post much now, cause I gotta give you guys a chance to dust my cobwebs away and remember me back here in my little corner, so I'll leave it at that.


By the way, I've been really into the Twilight series lately. Have any of you guys read it? They're the awesomist series of books in the world!


My busy busy busy weekend/week... Yep

GAWD, I have soooo much to freakn' do this weekend/week... I have to make 2 cds for some ppl at school, I need to get my hair cut, I have to help witht he Ronald McDonald house (making burritos), I need to type up my fanfic, AND earn money. *sighs* Theres just sooooo much to do, I dont know if I'll be able to get it all done!! Not to mention, I want to have a friend spend the night tomorrow... Yep.

So what's up w/this whole "Version Vibrant" thing? I can't seem to figure it all out... How do you get to see your site? Do you have to start all over again? Is there anyway to get back to the old one?
Its kool and everything, but its so hard to navigate around now. I can't seem to figure out everything about it, i mean, I'm lucky to've made it as far as posting! Lawlz. So, yeah.

I went and got my hunting tags for turkey season today with my dad. I'm also coming close to taking the hunter's safety course so I can get my own tags. Yay! For now though, I'm stuck with the youth season... Ah, well.

This week is our last week before spring break. Which kinda sucks, 'cause I amd going to Branson/Arkansas on Friday, and then I will miss my dad's birthday, which is on the 18th of March. Grr. Then I don't get to spend as much time at my dad's. Oh well. I get to see my grandpa in Branson. But then I have to go face the ppl in Arkansas whom's 4-wheeler I crashed last summer... which is the whole reason why I don't want to go up there. It's not fair.

Yeah... other than that, there hasn't been much going on. I'm not sure when I'm going to post again... 'cause my weekend is so filled up. But I will try if I can!

Cy'all later!! Bye!

~Da~Princess's~Guru~ ♥