In my personal experience people are like diamonds. They have many facets, and not all of them shine, and like most every diamond at its center there are flaws. Life is like a laser, it shapes the diamond in different ways, it can hack away large portions, or slice away tiny slivers. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, two people can look at the same diamond and find it beautiful for many different reasons. In my personal opinion a diamond is most beautiful in its original state, untouched by unnatural shaping, and free of any bonds or coverings. The same goes for people, the worst thing that can happen to a person is to allow themselves to be shaped or held back by another person, or people. The thing I find most beautiful are the flaws, the most natural part of all things in existence, there is no living or nonliving thing that is perfect (feel free to argue that point), and flaws are one of the most unique things in any thing be it a human or a stone, yet they are constantly covered up like they are something to be ashamed of, something bad, something that lessens worth. Yet people hide their flaws, cover up what makes them different, for the sake of 'fitting in'. People shouldn't 'fit in', a human is not something to be pressed into a mold, or discarded because they can't.