The new and improved Evil Angel.

Feeling like you're being watched, you slow down your pace as you travel through a forest. Everything is silent, even the chilly breeze doesn't make the trees rustle. No animals are anywhere to be found.
A sharp pain enters your arm. You feel stunned as two men approach you. Lying on your stomach, you try to move or even scream, but you're paralyzed.
"We'll take care of you." The obviously older man smiles, vampiric fangs poking out from his lips.
"You'll like it here."

introduction and world design will be edited sometime.

-Cheriblosomchibi; owner; BrokenTear, Forever, Erela/Ethan
-AllyCat2090; co-owner; Yuki, Setsuna
-DemonsandAngels; Akane

-Profile format

I'll Do It

The silence was deafening, but I wasn't sure how to break it as I had yet to really come up with any sort of conclusion myself. How was I supposed to make such a big decision on the spot? How was I supposed to know what to do if I had never dealt with this, let alone heard about something like this.

"Well, now that's explained... what would you like to do now?" Erela finally asked. I could see the hope in her eyes that I would want to stay.

She must know how well Ethan and I had hit it off. I had never felt a connection like that with someone before. Not so soon in a relationship, and I wasn't sure I wanted to wait around for that to may or may not happen with someone else again. No, Ethan was who I wanted to work with.

I could be a selfish being, and maybe I was being selfish here in wanting him all to myself. I turned to Erela and smiled slightly, "I want to stay and figure this all out." She seemed to sigh in relief, and I continued, "I'm not sure how to act in this situation, but I figure I'll figure it out as we go along. Much of this relationship we'll have will be a figuring it out as we go type of thing."

Erela nodded in agreement, "Yes, it seems it would be. But I'm glad you decided to stay and give this a chance. I know that would make Ethan happy." She smiled at me, and I knew I had made the right decision. I just hoped this wouldn't be too hard to deal with.

Sighing, I plopped down on the bed. "So now what? What do we do while we wait for Ethan to come back out?" I asked. I was itching to do something. Research on Ethan, run a marathon, anything. I didn't want to sit idle and just wait. Wasn't my style.

Yay! So glad this is going again!!



I gave in. As Yuki pointed out a marshmallow-shaped cloud, I fell back to get a better view of them, adjusting so her head was on my upper stomach. I slowed my breathing from being startled earlier and tried to relax.

"Aren't all clouds like marshmallows?" I grinned, "they just all look so fluffy and sweet. When I was a kid, I wanted to eat them." I smiled and fondly remembered bits of my childhood. The parts where there weren't people after me.

I laughed a little and put an arm behind my head to cushion myself and awaited Yuki's response.


I could see that Akane was thinking things over. I hoped that this situation wouldn't change her feelings towards Ethan. I could feel in my being and his that he really felt a connection with her. He enjoyed her company, truly, and I can't lie-- I do too, in some way. I would be saddened to find that this was too much for her to bear.

"Well, now that's explained... what would you like to do now?" I asked, desperately wanting to break the silence between us.


I finished cooking breakfast, so I walked to Setsu after setting the table, and went to get him. We sat at the table.

I anxiously tugged at BrokenTear's collar around my neck. I wanted to take it off. I didn't want to be owned anymore. Not by him, anyway. To be owned is to be wanted. But I only wanted one person to want me now.

"Perhaps I should shower after this, as well." I blinked, starting some weird conversation. But I was thinking of doing so. I wanted to scrub all the thoughts of BrokenTear off of me. All the memories of him on top of me. It wasn't that these were bad memories, but I felt dirty and wrong. I didn't like it, and it was bothering me.

I watched as Setsuna ate, and I poked at my food. I never really understood why I always made myself food if I couldn't eat it. Damn mask. -w-

I promise my posts won't be so bad once we get back into this. c:

Say Something

"So I... uhm... I know of you and Ethan's escapades," Erela told me after she explained that everything Ethan and I had been doing the last day was all like a dream for her, her face breaking out into a blush, and she had to look away. That made me smirk. "If you have any other questions, ask away. I'll be happy to tell you what you'd like to know." She smiled at me.

I sighed. Exasperated, I got up and walked over to the window. Looking out at the clear sky above, I stared out into the distance for several moments before I finally spoke. "So I'd have to accept you, too, if I wanted to be with Ethan." It was more of a statement than a question.

Looking on warily, Erela nodded her head, "Yes. You would."

Finally turning to face her, I asked, "Is there really no way to separate the two of you? There has to be a way."

She shrugged. "There very well could be, but like I said, I don't know how or where to even start."

That deflated me, but of course, it couldn't be that easy. I wondered if there was a library here that I could use. Maybe if I did a bit of research I'd be able to figure something out. Surely Erela and Ethan have already read everything they could in the library here. I wouldn't find out anything they didn't already know. What would I find? That defeated me even more.

"There is a way, but probably not while we're stuck here," I murmured. I couldn't dislike it here. Not yet. I'd only been here a day, really. And so far everyone had been most welcoming. "Maybe if Ethan really likes me, you guys will change back and forth more frequently," I said hopefully, but even to me that sounded hollow.

"Could be," she agreed.

I could handle being with Ethan if I had to go a few days, a week or two being around Erela instead. However, I didn't think I could go seven months in between seeing him. That wasn't fair to me. Or to him. But if I was going to be trapped in this place for the rest of my life, it wasn't like I'd have many other options tempting me. I could do it. If I put my mind to it. Dedicated and committed myself. It wouldn't be easy. But it was doable.

Sorry it took me so long to get my chapter up!

This Will Be the Day


"What shall we do this fine day?" Brokentear asked, a slight hesitance clear in his voice. It wasn't hard to see from my spot splayed out on the ground that my words had unnerved him somewhat, and while a part of me was amused by this, a more dominant part of me immediately rushed to sooth it away.

He was still standing, and also blocking out my sun, which had my inner cat hissing in irritation, not to mention had I not told him to get down and be my pillow? That was easily fixable, even if it meant moving from my lazy sprawl.

Reaching out, I twisted and wrapped my small hands around his ankles, enjoying the goosebumps that erupted from the slight difference in temperature. With an innocent smile thrown at his slightly panicked face, I pulled, yanking his feet out from underneath him. He let out a delightful gasping yelp as he tumbled backwards onto his behind. Once he was fully seated on the ground, I rolled so that I was using his lap as a pillow and settled again, letting out a barely audible purr at having gotten him down and still able to feel the sunlight.

"We are going to spend some time picking out oddly shaped clouds and trading stories, if you'd like. Unless, of course, you've tired of my company already." I said airily, covering the distress I felt about he being tired of me with sarcasm, stretching my limbs like a cat and then turning my head slightly to look at Brokentear, something I didn't think I could get tired of.

"Oh, there's one like a marshmallow," I pointed out.


"It will certainly be a challenge focusing on cooking with you there." Forever chuckled afterwards, leaning slightly against the stove. I smirked at the thought of distracting Forever so much, but my hungry stomach outweighed my need to tease Forever for too much longer. I walked forward and kissed his cheek softly, passing a hand over his other cheek afterwards.

"You're always distracting, it's amazing I can take my eyes off of you," I whispered against his jaw, then left another kiss on his shoulder and walked into the dining room, enjoying the blush I left on his cheeks.

Away from Forever, the happy high I had been on for the last few hours dimmed down and the usual weariness set in. I let out a sigh as I sank into a chair, running my hands through my already messy hair, feeling bittersweet. Curse immortality with a passion! Forever, despite his name, wouldn't be around forever, as much as I might wish.

I shook my head away from such thoughts and leaned back in my chair, focusing on the sound of breathing and Forever's soothing sounds while he cooked.

Where Is Your Boy Tonight?


“Lucky for you, there’s a lot of time to explain everything." I said with a smile, hoping it would reassure Akane, at least a little bit. I stood up from the bed and stretched before sitting back down and looking up at her.

"Okay... to answer your questions earlier. Ethan and I have no control over when we change. I could be awake for several months like I was before yesterday then suddenly faint and become Ethan. It's completely random."

I watched Akane's expression change from confusion to some kind of concern. I felt my heart sink for a moment.

"I'm sorry, I really am." I bit my lip nervously, "If I could change it, I most definitely would. I'm sure there is a way to separate us, but I've yet to find it."

I paused a moment, remembering her other question, "Ethan and I are very similar in some ways. Our dialect is one of those things. But our personalities are a bit different. I'm not as... confident as he is. We also share memories, but they seem like dreams to the one asleep. But the one asleep never really remembers the identities of those involved in these "dreams."" I paused a moment, remembering the "dream" I had before awakening. The scent of flowers and the sight of a very beautiful female on top of me. A part of me I wasn't entirely aware of was aroused, but the rest of me just felt pleasant.

"So I... uhm... I know of you and Ethan's escapades." I blushed and looked away, regaining my composure before looking her way again.

"If you have any other questions, ask away. I'll be happy to tell you what you'd like to know." I smiled shyly.


"Or should I be looking for an umbrella to shroud you so you don't burn to a crisp? Cause unless it's one of those reasons, you should get your fanged ass over here and enjoy the sun, you'll loose the sexy tan sooner rather than later if you don't. Besides, I need a pillow, and you seem to me like the type of person with a stomachs made to be a pillow."

Did she really just say that? Did those words come out of her mouth? Wow.

After I processed what she just said, I made my way towards her. I stood beside her and felt the hot sun on my skin. While it did not make my skin become glitter, and I don't think I was burning, I wasn't one for the sun. Even with my tan.

"Okay, I'm here, Yuki." I grinned, but hiding that I was a tad afraid of what shenanigans she was about to pull, "what now? What shall we do on this fine day?"


What the hell do I make for Setsuna? Oh my goodness. What if I make something that doesn't fit to his liking? Oh no. Nononononono.

I was mentally panicking. What do I make the one who owns my affection to eat?

I heard a familiar chuckle and straightened up immediately and squeaked out of surprise.

"Just me, love." Setsu appeared, leaning in the doorway. He looked oh so appealing right there. Goodness gracious. "I don't mind what I eat, so surprise me. Unless you want to eat what Yuki calls 'burnt blandness'. I'm afraid I'm completely useless in the kitchen." He said with an alluring grin before sighing mockingly.

I smiled under my mask, "That helps. I wasn't sure if you were opposed to any certain ingredients, so I was being careful." I admitted.

I proceeded to get the ingredients to make pancakes, eggs and bacon but I felt him still looking at me. I turned and looked at him. God why does he have to be so attractive.

"It will certainly be a challenge focusing on cooking with you there." I chuckled. I was a bit nervous and I could feel butterflies fluttering in my tummy. But I tried to keep it out of my voice.

Winter break has definitely made me lazy. >.< I'm sorry for delaying this so long.