Sweet Disappointment


I blinked with slight shock when Forever lay his head in my lap, a slight blush cropping up onto my cheeks, but the sweet smile he conveyed with his eyes pulled me from my shock, and I smiled back at him just as sweetly, quietly pleased that he'd be so comfortable with me.

He reached up with closed eyes, and though I mourned the loss of his attentive eyes, the feel of his fingers on my skin more than made up for it. It was feather-soft and teasing, but conveyed a lot of joy and light, happy to hear what I said. The smile twitched when his hand dropped to my collarbone, and I felt my heart jump and squeeze painfully.

With a smile and quick motion of my arm, his hand was caught in my own, and I lightly kissed his fingertips before settling our hands on his chest, right above his heart. Feeling a little dazed and bold, I ran the fingers of my other hand through his hair, softer than even an angels wings.

I was enjoying having him around, and having the burning sensation he brought with the slightest touch, and enjoying the peace I felt here. I drifted into the alternate reality and felt along the shadows until I discovered the new presence, the one that had Ethan's attention. I shifted my focus to the boy in my lap and smiled peacefully, not caring one bit at the new arrival. Forever was a bigger priority anyways.


"Thank you" Brokentear said softly, and I felt my heart squeeze and shudder at those words. I didn't deserve them, not when I was the reason we were in here to begin with, not when my curiosity had put Brokentear and myself in jeopardy. Sophie always said I was too curious for my own good.

'Sophie' My heart twisted and flinched even more at the thought of her, and I looked around the room, hoping that she wasn't here, even though I logically knew that she wouldn't be. I focused on our surroundings and scanned the area, still feeling uncomfortable, but for multiple reasons. Brokentear probably didn't even realize it, but he'd been momentarily disappointed when he'd seen me, as if I wasn't who he'd wanted to see, and for some odd reason the thought hurt.

Still, I didn't convey these thoughts in neither action nor through my voice when I spoke. "What is this place?" I questioned, wanting to know where I'd brought us. When Brokentear looked pained by the question, I shook my head and turned away, following the stream of light on the floor to the door. "Never mind," I chirped, pushing in false cheerfulness, "Let's just get out of here and find the kitchen, I'm still hungry."

I turned to the male behind me with an over-exuberant smile and tugged lightly on his hand, hiding the mature woman I am behind the childish-kid I looked like with ease.
