
The first room we came into was the library. To be honest, I wasn't much of a reader. At one point in my life, I had spent quite a bit of time in a place similar to this. I had been dating a nerd, and he liked to bring me into different libraries and read to me.

I touched the spine of one of the books that popped out to me. He used to pull me into his lap to read to me. In fact, the only books I had ever finished were those he had read to me in completion. He had once said he liked educating me, taking me to fantasy worlds. Is there anything more romantic than that? he had asked.

I hadn't stepped foot in a library since. I turned from the book that had caught my attention and faced the man before me. His attention was on a rose in a vase on the table.

"Are you going to show me the rest of this place, or did you want to continue to stare at that flower?" I smirked, shifting my weight onto one hip, my arms folded beneath my breasts.

He smirked back slightly, "I thought I was just following behind you."

"You don't want me to lead, I might lead you some place you don't wish to go, and you'll regret it." I thought of all the people I had hurt in the past. I never really regretted. They knew what they were getting into, who I was. But this one, he had never met me before, and I felt a warning was only appropriate.

"I can take care of myself," he replied, his eyes never left my own.

I walked over to him, leaning forward so that I was inches from his ear. "You have no idea what I'm capable of." And he didn't. I could be anyone, do anything. And he'd never know.

He took the opportunity to whisper into my ear as well, "That goes both ways."

He was right, of course. I had no clue what he was or what abilities, if any, he possessed. He was a mystery to me, not someone I was able to read as easily as the other men I had been with. He was different. I didn't yet know how, I just knew it to be true.
