Hush, Love, Don't cry,
It'll be alright,
Hold me close,
As I administer the dose,
Listen to my lullaby of lies.


Mood: Ugh...
Music: Tool "Aenima"

Well, I've got such a lovely weekend ahead. Wednesday, in my American History 1 class, the professor told us he was pushing the due date on our 5-page paper back. We had to read Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography, then write a 5-page paper on it. Well, something came up, and he had to cancel class for today, so he decided it was senseless for us to still have to turn in our paper. I've been working on it half of the morning, and I now have about 2 pages, and I'm only on the second paragraph!

The next surprise came yesterday. It wasn't as good...We have a test on th 30th for my religion class and part of that test is a take-home test. The professor handed us the assignment, and it's a 3-to-5-page paper on I-don't-remember-what! So, I now have 2 papers to write this weekend!

On top of that, I have to study for both a religion AND American History test, and write 3 journal entries on 3 different readings from the religion class!!

I am fucked....

In much happier news, I am, once again, spending the weekend with Daku. I'm bringing my computer and my notes so I can work on those papers and possibly one or two of those journal entries. Maybe I can study, as well? Anyways, since I'll be over in his room, the distraction of the internet will be vanquished, as I will not have access to his internet portal. I love him so very much!

Well, stay classy, Otakuites!

~~Unfortunately, when most guys take you on a night on the town, they expect a night in your pants.~~


Mood: pissed...
Music: Blue October "Overweight"

WARNING!! THIS RANT IS RIDDLED WITH FREQUENT USE OF THE F-WORD!! However, I have censored it for those of you who might get offended.

Ok, so I'm pretty fed up with people leaving a lake of water around the sinks in my dorm bathroom. So, yesterday I sent out an email about it just to the students. I only sent it to all the students because they don't have a campus email distribution list for my hall specifically. Well, I just checked it a minute ago, and the guy who's over student life sent me an email informing me that I am "violating" the email distribution list. This is the second time he's sent me an email. The first time was to inform me that I was "violating" the list by sending an email out once a week trying to sell a universal converter/adapter set. Well, in this second email, he informed me that I would be receiving a letter that will also inform me that I have "violated" the fucking list! Why the hell would they send me an email AND a fucking letter?! If they don't want me "cluttering" up their fucking email server, they shouldn't send me redundant things, damn it! I feel that he is "violating" my rights to get information out, not to mention wasting my fucking time, by sending me a fucking email AND a fucking letter! All I want is to get rid of a fucking universal converter/adapter set and not have to clean up somebody else's fucking mess! What the hell is wrong with this fucking world?!

*sigh* Well, thank you for reading and being patient, if you are still reading. Stay classy, Otakuites!

~~Then the science gets done and you make a neat gun for the people who are still alive.~~

Dam Dadi Doo

Mood: Squee!
Music: System of a Down "B.Y.O.B."

My weekend was interesting. Friday, I declared a second major. I'm now an Art and Secondary Education major. Huzzah! I'ma teach middle school art class in LR (the city where me and my future husband are moving after graduation)! I told my new advisor I wanted to teach middle school, and she was like, "OMG, I love you!" It made me giggle...

I spent the entire weekend with Daku, as always. Well, not Sunday, because he had to go help out at a car wash. The Biology club's president called him at 9:20 am and told him he had to come early. He wasn't supposed to go until 11 am. I told Daku to tell the president that he interrupted us. He did, and the president was like, "OOOOHHHHH!!!"

We've got a date picked out for our wedding. We're getting married on June 18, 2011. See, he asked me to be his girlfriend on November 18, 2007. Then he asked me to marry him on June 8, 2008. I told him I wanted to get married on June 8, 2011, but we looked, and that's a Wednesday. So, we saw that the 18 was on a Saturday, and decided that would be our wedding date. We can't get married until we graduate. Of course, our getting married in June may have a problem, seeing as that's around the time registration for UAMS Medical School begins. If we can't do it on June 18, I guess we'll move it up to May. I don't care when it is, I can't wait!

Well, that's it for now. I've got new fan art up, if you care to take a look! Stay classy, Otakuites!

~~You know you're in love when you don't want to fall asleep because your reality is better than your dreams.~~

Hot Chocolate!

Mood: Squee!!
Music: 2MB "Orion.78 (Civilization Mix)"

I had hot chocolate this morning! d(^u^)b I've been in such a good mood all day. Ok, for the past couple weeks, I've been trying to get a job. I tried at the cafeteria the first week, and since I don't qualify for federal work study, I had to wait a couple of weeks to find out if I can work there. The next week, I applied at a day-care about a block away from the school. I got an interview, but I didn't get the job. My friend did, and she said she doesn't think it'll work out because they don't have enough children enrolled. So, I tried the next week at the cafeteria (again!) and the guy said he'd call me and let me know whether or not they had a position open. He never called...So last night I was talking to my friend Lissa, and she's a student in the learning center (for people with learning disabilities). I asked her if they had any positions open, and she told me to check with Louie, who I went to London with. I went and talked to him this morning after breakfast, and he directed me to a lady. She gave me an application, which I filled out and brought back before my Ceramics 1 class at 9:30am. She told me right away that they had a tutoring position open for Composition 1, which I had last fall. I met with the boy's coordinator after Ceramics, and I'm officially his tutor! I have a training session at 2:30pm today, which I get paid for, then I'll get to work about 2 hours a week for the rest of the semester! I'm excited! I've been floating all day!

Well, that's all my news for now. I'll probably post about how Daku and I met and came to be in a relationship next time.

Stay classy, Otakuites!

~~There's no use crying over every mistake, you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake!~~

Do You Like Waffles?

Mood: Tired...
Music: t.A.T.u. "Not Gonna Get Us"

Well, I woke up late this morning. Me and Tobi usually get up around 6:00am to 6:50am. We woke up at 7:15am. And here lately, it's been quite chilly in the mornings and evenings. When the sun's up, it's fine, though. Fall is officially here! I wanna go build a giant pile of leaves and just fall back into them...

Hm...Tomorrow is me and Daku's 10 month anniversary. Huzzah! Longest relationship I've ever held! We're planning on keeping it that way. Yep yep, I'm keeping him forever!

In other news, my last boyfriend, Aaron, is getting married on Friday. Here's the short version of the story:
We started dating May 2007. After 2 months, he decided to try to get me to have sex with him. His attempts failed, but took me farther than I wanted to go. I moved to college in August 2007, and Aaron broke up with me for another girl. He slept with that girl, thereby losing his virginity. Their relationship lasted a month. Well, he got into a relationship with a girl at his place of employment, they had sex, she got pregnant, and now they're getting married. Funny turn of events, ne? Daku tells me constantly how happy he is that the girl having Aaron's baby isn't me.

You're all probably wondering about me and Daku's story now, ne? Well, we'll save that one for another time. Right now, I need to go read Ben Franklin's autobiography. Then I have class at 10am.

Stay classy, Otakuites!

~~Yeah, I used to could do the splits...until the rigor mortis set in!~~