Santa Baby...

Mood: need...sleep...unf...
Music: None (watching "The Mummy: Curse of the Dragon Emporer")

Well, today has been a day full of excitement and sweets and joy...and joyness!! I got everything I wanted...and then some!! Daku gave me a set of 6 mini replicas of different versions of the Keyblade, a necklace with the KH logo on it...and...a Genius[C] Drawing Tablet!! My parents gave me $100, new jeans (needed those!), a new shirt, new pajama pants, a new hoodie, a Phantom of the Opera ornament that plays "All I Ask Of You", some Victoria's Secret body mist, a Belkin TuneCast Auto (for playing my iPod in the car!), a pair of Christmas socks, some random things in my stocking, and I'm probably leaving out a thing or two...Daku's parents gave me some fleece sleep pants, some slippers, a nice shirt, a necklace, some soap, and some random things in a stocking. I also got some random things from other family members...I just can't really remember them right now...Over all, it's been a wonderful day, if you don't count the 4+ hours me and Daku spent driving from my house to his...

Well, hope you all are having a wonderful Christmas!! Dunno when I'll get a chance to be on next...I'll probably be on tomorrow. Maybe...I'm at Daku's house until December 30. We're going back to my house that day. New Year's Eve, at midnight, we're going to a lock-in at an arcade near my hometown. We get to play 6 hours of laser tag and DDR!! Huzzah!! January 5, I have to take the PRAXIS I Exam. It's the first step on my way to becoming a teacher!! I'm gonna be an art teacher. Wish me luck!!

Christmas Special: Questions!
1) What is your favorite part of Christmas?

Um...I'd have to say it's putting up the Christmas tree.

2) What is the weirdest thing you received this year?

A toothbrush. Seriously! Daku's mom put one in our stockings...

3) Do you still believe in Santa Claus?

Yes!! I still try to stay awake and catch that old, fat, creepy man. I mean, come on, who dresses up in red, sneaks in to a stranger's house, eats cookies, drinks some milk, and then leaves PRESENTS for the strangers?!

Works In Progress
~Kita Mogetsu (original character, 95% complete)

Well, stay classy, Otakuites!!

~~Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things.~~
