Diary of Elvira 7

Dear Diary,

I am on a mission with Elizabeth and Ellie.
There is a finder but he kept mumbling to himself about how we all are gonna die so I got him his own car... Yay for my powers! (I did that in secret)
So Right when we got there there was a village. Someone came by and was all like: WTF!!!!! It wasn't there an hour ago!

Target found.
We strolled in there and next thing we knew, we were somewhere in a desert. Before we were in some random forest. Now we are in a snowy field! Something tells me that we are gonna be here for a while...

I'm gonna open some hot packs. Last thing I want is my hands to freeze off.


Elvira Garcia

P.S. I have a strange feeling as though we should go west. I'll tell them that. Then, against most people's wishes, I'll go west.
