Yea, so my tie for first at Comix Zone got royally screwed. Kinda pissed about that. Then again, opening three Aprentice, Old Vindictive, Raiza and Enemy Controller. Only to see a Crush Shoot into Banisher. Shitty.
However, I have some new Japanese cards coming in including Dark Armed Dragon(HELLZ yes. 200$ Secret Rare in America, 3$ Rare in Japan. I can't use it but I don't care), Red Daemon's Dragon, and some tuners. I'm trying to work out a deal for a Stardust. Pretty freaking awesome.
Other than that, nothing much eventful going on.
I have the feeling I'll be wearing this next year. Hopefully it goes well and eyes don't bleed.
And I should be in bed so Imma go do that.