After Elijah’s and my conversation I took a deep breath after sticking the phone back in my pocket.
“Are you ready to go Ja? My mother asked.
I nodded and walked over to her. “I’m ready to be normal again if that’s what you mean.” I smiled at her.
“We’ll try our best to get you back to normal dear.” My mom smiled back at me and we went out to the car.
It was a bit strange being willing to go back to a lab to get testing done on me. I didn’t know what was going to happen while I was there, I just hope that my parents can get me back to normal. I want to live a normal life not be a science experiment any more.
“You sure you want to do this now son?” My dad asked before we pulled out of the driveway.
“I’m sure dad I want to know what it’s like to live a normal life. The life that I had before I was taken.” I answered.
“Alright then.” He nodded then turned the car on and we went off to where mom and dad worked.
On the ride over I looked out the window as I watched the scenery go by. It was a nice day out at least so I hope that means that things will go well when we get to the lab and everything will be done soon.
“Are you nervous Jason?” My mom asked looking back at me.
“A bit, but I know it’s not going to be like at that place. I never want to go back there again. I’m glad that Elijha’s father was able to find me though.” I mentioned.
“So are we hun.” My mom said with a smile.
“I don’t know what would have happen to me there. I’m glad to know that it will be you two helping me through this though.” I answered.
It took about an hour to get to mom and dad’s lab. It didn’t look like the other lab that I was stuck at for fourteen years. It seemed to have a bit more of a light feeling to it. The building was still tall and grey looking, but this one had windows and seemed to be more airy as and at dark and damp.
“You ready?” My dad asked placing a hand on my back.
I nodded and followed him and my mother into the building. The structures of the halls and all the rooms made my heart start to race as we walked down the halls. I started to slow down and fall behind my parents. I ended up stopping in the middle of the hall and warping my arms around me and started taking short breaths.
“Hey kid you alright?” I heard a man’s voice.
“Jason. Are you okay?” My mom asked running back to me.
“He’s hyper ventilating.” The man told my mother.
My mom put her hands on my shoulders. “Jason, everything’s going to be okay. Take a deep breath.” She told me.
I nodded a little and tried to slow down my breathing and take a couple of deep breaths.
“So this is Jason.” The man said after I calmed down.
The man looked to be in about his mid to late 20’s, he had short brown hair and matching brown eyes. He must have been around 5’11” from what I could tell.
I nodded, “I’m Jason. Do I know you?” I asked.
He looked at my mother give her a may I look and she nodded and moved aside. “ Do you mind?” He asked me.
I was confused but nodded and he turned my head and moved my hair out of the way. “Are these really gills?” He asked running his fingers over my gills.
“Yes.” I answered simply.
“Can you open your mouth for me?” He asked and I did so. “Oh wow…How did the scientists do this to you?
“Um…” I said looking down at the ground. “They combine my DNA with different animals DNA’s.” I answered.
“And that’s what we are trying to reverse.” My mother said to him.
“You have your hands cut out for you, he’s really far along if he’s still changing that is.” The man said.
“Don’t remind me. I don’t want to wake up again look different from when I went to bed again. That already happened once.” I sighed slouching a bit.
“That’s ruff, sorry to hear that.” He siad.
“It’s alright, we’re going to try our hardest to get you back to normal Jason.” My mom said and grabbed my hand. “Let’s get my your father’s office.” She pulled me away from the guy. “It was nice seeing you again David.
“If you need any help let me know.” The man named David called after us as we walked away.
“Thank you.” I said back to him then waved before my mother and I turned the corner.
We got to my father’s office. He was cleaning up a bit considering he had papers everywhere.
“What were you working on dad?” I asked him picking up some papers to help him out with cleaning.
“All if this is from your DNA Sample that you gave me. These are all the test results.” He answered.
“Oh.” Was all I said setting the stack of papers I had collected on his desk.
“Ja, why don’t you come with me and we can get started.” My mom stated and I followed her out the door.
“Hey I can’t do it Sweetie.” My dad called after us.
My mom turned around, “If I let you start everything with the two of you alone in the room nothing would get done I would come back and you two would be wrestling instead of doing what needs to be done.” My mom said. Which was true, we had gotten into a couple of wrestling matches lately when we were supposed to be doing something else.
“Okay, I’ll meet up with you two after I get everything organized again.” My dad sighed in disappointment.
“Good.” My mom was pretty strict when it came to getting something done other then that she was laid back.
When we got to the room it was like a normal doctor’s office with the bed and everything. We went through a normal physical including taking my pulse, blood pressure and all that good stuff. The last thing that my mom did was take a blood sample and she left me in the room so that she could go and run tests on it. Once she left I pulled out my phone so that I could text El and see how everything was going and to apologize again for not being able to make it to our movie date.