I did as Jason had suggested and headed for the shower after throwing on one of Jason’s shirts. It was way too big for me, but then, that was the point. Turning the water on, I waited for the temperature to change to my liking. Staring off into space, I wondered how I was going to survive weeks of not seeing Jason, of being able to do things like this with him whenever I wanted.
Waking up next to Jason was one of my favorite things to do with him. I loved waking before him and being able to watch his him sleep. He always looked so peaceful and serene as though none of our troubles in the world were gone, and he didn’t have a care in the world. It was as though everything was okay again.
But it wasn’t okay. Not really. I was going to be leaving in a month, and Jason would be staying here. His parents were going to be working hard to figure out how to make Jason fully human again. Who knew how long that would take. Weeks? Months? Years? God, I hoped it wouldn’t take them years.
A pair of hands gripped my waist as I was still bent over the tub, my left hand on the water knobs and my right in the stream of water. Glancing behind me with a sly smile, I found a naked Jason standing right behind me, pulling my hips into him. I couldn’t stop my eyes from giving him a once over. I appreciated his body in more ways than one.
“Shall we continue what I wanted to start in the bedroom?” I asked him, grinding my hips into him, feeling how excited he was against my upper leg. Jason had made me a lot bolder, not as scared to be myself when it came to matters such as this. All I wanted to do was please him, and I hoped that he liked the things I did.
He smiled at me in response. In one swift motion, I pulled the knob so the water would come out of the shower head standing up so the water wouldn’t hit me, and turned into Jason. Who let out a surprised grasp when my hands dropped to between us and my index finger found something to play with.
“I think I’m a little over dressed,” I smiled as I stood up on tip toe and kissed him playfully on the lips stroking him for a moment more. Raising my hands over my head, Jason promptly reached for the bottom of my shirt and pulled it up over my head and threw it in the corner of the room out of the way.
Jason’s hands found their way to my waist again and gripped tightly, pulling me into him as much as possible. Our lips met again and again before they lingered together for a moment.
I suddenly wanted to do something special for him. More than anything I had already done, and I dropped to my knees in front of him, my hand stroking him for a moment before I took him in my mouth. A moan escaped his lips and his hands found their way into my hair, pushing it all out of my face. I worked my magic until he pulled away from me, having come so close to the edge.
“Not yet,” he teased as he pulled me up to him, bringing me into a kiss. “We should maybe get in the shower so as not to waste water,” Jason smiled against my lips as he backed me up so that my calves were against the tub.
Nodding, I deftly lifted a leg and moved into the tub, letting the water hit my back. The contrast from the cool bathroom air to the warm water was a nice change. Jason followed behind me, pulling the curtain closed behind him.
“When was JFK Assassinated?” I asked Jason. We had a history test coming up, and I was trying to help him get ready for it. He’d been doing well for most of the morning with only a few mistakes. He was learning pretty quickly.
“November...” he drew out the ‘r’ as he thought, squinting his left eye as he did. “Twenty.... second,” I nodded in approval to help him along. “In 1960....2?”
“1963,” I replied with a smile. “You were much closer with this one.” I had asked him the question twenty minutes ago, and he had given an answer so far from the truth that I was worried our study lesson wasn’t going to go as smoothly as either of us had hoped.
“Final question for History. Who killed him?” I put my notebook down and looked at Jason, who sat across the kitchen table from me. I grabbed my glass of orange juice and took a sip as I waited.
“Oswald,” he said matter-of-factly.
I broke out into a smile. “There ya go! Way to end on a good note!” I sat back in the chair, tipping it back onto its back legs. “I think that constitutes a break.” I sat back up and downed the last of my orange juice. Getting up, I went to the sink, rinsed my glass, and put it in the dishwasher. “What should we do to celebrate?”
Jason got up and rinsed his glass, putting it in the dishwasher next to my glass. “Well, I haven’t seen you play basketball in too long. We haven’t really had any downtime like that in awhile. We should take full use of it.”
I walked over to him, leaning my head up to kiss him on the lips. “That sounds like a wonderful idea,” I told him as I backed up and ran to my room to grab my ball. I was already in athletic gear, as I always wore baggy shorts and a tshirt around the house. Seemed silly to dress up for no reason.
Once I was back down in the kitchen, Jason came up and stole the ball out of my hands and ran to the back door, throwing it open and hurrying out onto the court in the back. “Someone’s gotten a little slow,” he teased with a big grin.
“I just let you do that. You know, to make you feel better,” I shot back, coming up behind him and stealing the ball back. “Don’t challenge me.” I stuck my tongue out at him, and turned to shoot the ball, enjoying the swish sound it made as it hit nothing but net.
Jason rebounded the ball and dribbled to the corner, taking a shot and swishing it himself. I watched as he grabbed the ball and did it again on the other side of the basket this time. In this moment, I was the happiest I had ever been. Jason was here, I was playing basketball with him, and it was like all our other problems ceased to be for the moment. We were acting like a normal couple. Because besides the weird mutations Jason had developed, we were normal. We were teenagers very much in love. Just like countless other couples. As much as I had always thought we were so very different from everyone else, in the end, we really weren’t. And that was okay.