As the days went on of constantly going to the lab with my parents I found myself being with Elijah more and more every time I got home. I knew I didn’t have a lot of time left. I really didn’t this was the last few days that I could spend with her before she was off to college and we would start our long distance relationship. I knew it was going to be difficult, but I think that we will make it through.
“Okay so tell me one more time how this works.” I stated trying to get use to the laptop that my parents just bought me so I could talk with Elijah in private and didn’t have to use the main computer all the time.
Elijah laughed and tucked some of her blonde hair behind her ear, “Okay. The hard part of downloading and signing up for skype is done now all you need to do is remember your password since you’re the only one getting on this laptop your username should always come up first.” She explained.
“Oh okay. So if I write it down would that be alright?” I asked considering that passwords wasn’t really my best thing at remembering.
“Of course it is. Just keep is somewhere you will remember where it is.” She nodded with a smile.
I put the laptop down on the bed and walked over to my desk and wrote it down in a little notebook. “There we go. I’m sure I won’t forget it now.” I smiled as I put the cap back on my pen.
“ I hope not, just don’t lose the paper with your password on it.” Elijah said.
“I won’t I promise.” I smiled and walked back to the bed where she was sitting. “I can’t believe that you leave in a few days.” I sighed with a bit of sadness in my voice.
“I’ll be coming back for Christmas break and summer vacation, So we will be able to spend some time together.” She told me.
“I know.” I smiled at her.
“And we will be able to skype when we can. I’ll let you know how practice is going and how I do in games.” She sounded really excited to be going and I was really happy for her. Maybe someday I could actually go to college myself.
“I like that idea.” I nodded in agreement. “So are you going to spend the night or go home and keep packing?” I asked.
She sighed and flopped the rest of the way down on the bed. “I should head home as much as I don’t want to.” She groaned.
“Then spend the night and go home in the morning to keep packing. You don’t leave till Friday.” I noted.
“It’s closer then you think.” She said looking over at me.
“I know. Time can fly by quickly. Just like the school year did.” I replied laying down with her.
“Alright. I’ll spend the night.” She said with a smile.
“Yay!” I exclaimed kissing her forehead lightly.
She kissed me gently and I kissed back before getting up and getting into a pair of shorts and tossing her one of my shirts for her to sleep in. I went to the rest room to brush my teeth as she called her parents to let them know she was spending the night.
I looked at my self in the mirror after I brushed my teeth. It was still strange being about to see what I looked like considering for fourteen years I was never able to look in a mirror. My hair was getting long again. I should probably cut it soon.
It was strange to think about what I must have looked like with black hair. I was so use to seeing myself with orange hair, I don’t think that anyone would recognize me. Of course when people look at my then look at my parents they probably think that I was just trying to be rebellious and I bleached my hair.
I smiled a little at myself in the mirror, I don’t think that I could be a rebellious person even if I tried. Sure I liked doing strange things, but that didn’t make me rebellious. I was getting back into yu-gi-oh and while I was helping Elijah pack one day I found out that she was a closet nerd because she has yu-gi-oh and Magic cards stashed away under her bed. It was interesting to think that we were pretty much a normal couple. Well minus the science experiments and everything like that. I hope was that nothing like that would ever happen again.
I turned off the water in the sink and then went back to the room to see Elijah waiting there for me. I turned off the light and crawled into bed next to her. She turned her back to me and I put my arm around her and pulled her in and we slept like that for the rest of the night. I knew that this week was going to fly by fast, but I wanted this night to last.