
"Baka! If we knew why he was here, he wouldn't be having this problem!" Temari yelled at Kankuro. The tears dried on her face which was red with frustraition. I didn't blame her. She's under alot of pressure with all that's happened so far.

"Hey, I'm just trying to get things straight and make a plan! I don't hear anyone else throwing out suggestions!"

"Baka, we know that part! So, you just distracted our thinking. Can't you use your head!?"

"That's enough Temari, it's not his fault, it's hard on all of us." Dad said trying to calm Temari down.

"No, and how do you plan to be a good father by not helping your son? The reason you're here in the first is because you dumped all of this reapsonsibility on me instead of doing it yourself." Temari replied.

"What responsiblity? What have you done?"

"I've taken care of Gaara and Kankuro by myself after Yoshimaru died! I had to keep Gaara from killing Kankuro so many times, it'll make your head spin!"

"Then why did you have to keep doing it? You should have just-"

"Just what? Left them by themselves? What are you thinking? I had to be there because if it weren't for me, this family would be torn farther apart. Do you think it would be easy for me to leave my little brother alone to die? Maybe it's easier for you, but I care about him!"

Everone was quiet and still, as if frozen in place. I was terrified, Temari never lost her cool like this. She was fierce in battle, but never outside of it. She was never like this and I cannot tell you how wierd it was.

"...I do too. I died before I could tell him that. I love you all." Dad said with sorrow and regret.

"I love you too, Dad. Sorry about that. I had to let my feelings out out."Temari admitted.

"I love you too Dad."Said Kankuro obviously desperate for attention.

Dad started to glow and then vanished into thin air. He passed over. Now it was the three of us again. I was the only one to possibly know how I feel again. But I'm not alone, I have my siblings and that's all I ever needed. I finally realize that.
