My guest posters for this world are more than welcome to use this as a side world, if they wish. Now, to business. I am the King of Vampires. Don't ask why or how. I just am. If you don't believe me, I'll not reallykill you.
- Created By King of Vampires
Not the kind of thing you'd expect...
School started yesterday, and I have no school on Fridays, so here we are. The thing you wouldn't expect from me is this. I met a girl. No big deal, right? On;y she's dying. Slowly being eaten from the inside out. Her life's been cut by three-quarters, but I want to spend as much time with her as I can. Is this wrong? I mean, to ask somebody out, just to be there? I AM single by the way, but not for long, I hope. All I need is some advise on how to ask her out, because I get really nervous, and the words won't come out. I talk to girls all the time, but I can't say "I love you!" It ends up more like "I-i-i l-l-l-ov...Ah forget it..." I want to get it right this time.
No, it's not religion. It's a word that makes fun of journalists, which sadly, my school is lacking. I've thought about making a school newspaper, but I have no idea how to go about it. Oh, and speaking of which, school starts on the 28, which is next Thursday. I'm really annoyed by the fact that we have to make up 5 days of school, along with lengthened classes, for the two snow days we had. Snow happens. Parents make us do work on snow days anyways, so what's the point for making class, and the school year longer? Idk. Comments are appreciated, and if you do comment, there will be cake.
This image is my character from a game I play pretty often, and enjoy a good bit. If you can get the name of the game, I'll send you a gift.
Lol wut?
Here we are. A funny, political picture. Also featured on lol wut. Please enjoy, and go look at the site for yourselves, though I can't vouch for the quality of stuff on there.
Lol wut? is the topic of this post.
Lol wut? you say? This is wut. Lolwut is a website full of effing awesome, and effing funny pictures. I ureg you all to look at the one I have posted here. It's not terribly funny, but interesting, nonetheless.
In all seriousness, there's a better picture. I'll post that next.
Okay, time to lose the kiddie gloves.
Yes, I'm back in black. Time to wake up the army of undead, and tell them to go to england next. It's me, the King of Vampire, or King for short. Arrogance is not tolerated, and neither is pride. If pride's what's keeping you up, get rid of it.