Hmm? Another Story?

"VOOIII! Kida! Tell me whats the relationship between you and the Bronco?!" Kida stared blankly out of the window, ignoring Squalo, nobody payed attention to Kida, and well, because of this she never spoke, occasionally she would say a little bit about herself if she was asked but she would never start a conversation, most of the time she wouldnt bother to reply to the questions.
"Shi, leave her alone, you're giving me a headache" Bel pinched the bridge of his nose to prove his point
"Or what?" he pulled out his knives, Kida put out her hand and batted his knife hand away
"be quiet" Kida never minced her words, she spoke simply and truthfully "he was my brother" her eyes never left the window as she spoke "his father adopted me into their family when i was 5, I left home when i was 13, i joined a family which i killed, then i joined Varia." instead of feeling satisfied by the information, Squalo needed to know more about her past, he felt as if Kida had opened a little window itno her past