Hello! Welcome to my story world~ This world is full of the stories I write and create myself!^_^ Although, the characters might not always be mine...In a case like that, I claim no ownership of any actual anime characters used. Just the particular story. Now that the introduction and disclaimer stuff is over with, enjoy the stories!^_^ Your adventure awaits!

The Awesome Mister Prussia!

Prussia was just awesome. That's all there was to it. A straight face. No argument. To him, at least.
"You're such a dork! There's no way you're more awesome than me!"Hungary remarked.
"I am SO awesome! More awesome than you, or that sissy Austria will ever be!"Prussia argued. He really shoul've known better than to bring Austria into this because...

SMACK! He was immediately hit in the head with Hungary's frying pan. "Austria is not a sissy! You're just jealous!"she defended.
"Of what? Him getting an old hag like you?"Prussia shot back. Another bad comment. Once again, he was assaulted with the cooking utensil turned deadly weapon.
"I'm not old,dammit! And you're just about the same age as me, if not oldER! It's like you have a birthday anyway,"Hungary insisted.
"I'm so awesome, I don't need a birthday!"Prussia declared.
Hungary snorted."More like not important enough to have one. Or because you're not a NATION!"she prodded.
"I don't need to be a nation! I'm way more awesome than any nation! I'm an empire! So I can celebrate my birthday any time I want! HA!"he said, getting an idea. "I'll celebrate it today!"he shouted, running off.
"What the- Where are you going?!"Hungary called after him, but it was too late. There was stopping a Prussia with an idea....Lord, help us all.

"Hey West!"Prussia callled, flinging open Germany's front door.
"Bruder? What are you doing here?"Germany asked, looking up from his book.
"I want you to help me throw a birthday party!"he said, not bothering to close the door.
"A party? Really? For who?"Germany wondered.
"Me! Your awesome brother!"the older brother replied.
"But, when IS your birthday, bruder?"Germany asked, stunned.
"Today! I just decided! That's why I need YOU to throw ME a party,"said Prussia, with extra emphasis.
"Okay. I'll take care of it,"Germany offered.
"Good! And remember: It has to reflect my awesomeness!"Prussia added, before dashing through the front door again.
"Reflect his awesomeness?"Germany asked himself, confusedly, before heading to call France, Spain, and Hong Kong.

Prussia returned to the house. He was something,well, awesome. But, was so far discouraged.
"I thought I told West I wanted an awesome party,"he said, opening the back door.
"Surprise!"shouted all the nations.
"Yeah! Now this is awesome! There's only one thing missing!"
Spain and France approached Prussia, France handing him a can of beer.
"And now I stand corrected." The Bad Trio was back in action.

Later, after consuming many drinks, it was firework time! Hond Kong had brought only the biggest and best fireworks. Only an extremely drunk Prussia would try to actually ride one...
"To the stars! And beyond!"with that, e was off.
"Bruder! Get back here! That's dangerous!"Germany protested.
"Now THIS is awesome!"Prussia shouted, ignoring his brother.

Somewhere, Hungary twitched. She had a bad feeling....
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The Good Samaritan(APH)

Argentina's heart raced as she ran with all the speed she could muster. A bullet whizzed past her, just missing her ear. Angry shouts could be heard in the distance.

"Argentina! What have you done with my guns?!"yelled a furious Swizerland.

She knew she was in deep trouble now. Argentina thought she had done a good deed by emptying Switzerland's gun stash. Maybe they didn't have the same views on peace. Or maybe she had gotten rid of one of the most important things to him, besides his little sister and money. All she could do now was run and insist that she was only helping him by spring cleaning.

Swizerland was a little, no, very ticked off. He had just come home from a relaxing, peaceful walk, only to find his prized collection of guns missing. He figured a certain peace-loving South American country was behind this. After all, she was known to go on cleaning binges. But this time, she had gone a bit too far. He was going to find out exactly where his "secret" stash had vanished. He fired off a few more bulllets. All shots missed, of course. They weren't mean to hit, only to stop her from running. Although, that type of misguided plan never worked.

"One day, you're gonna need me, Switzerland! And I won't be here, because you killed me!"Argentina pleaded.

"Yeah right! Just give back my guns!"Switzerland said, starting to catch up with her.

All of a sudden, a pantless Italy ran right between the two countries. Switzerland automatically turned his attention toward him. No way was Italy going pantless in his land AGAIN!

"Italy! I warned you before! Wear pants in my country!" Swizterland shouted, chasing after him. This is where Argentine made her escape. She's remember to thank Italy later. After all, that was a very daring move considering how trigger-happy Switzerland was at that moment.

Later, as she was walking through a forest on her way to visit Germany, she heard a rustling sound coming from a bush. Hoping it was just Prussia "spying" again, she ventured on and tried to ignore the strange noise. Eventually, curiosity got the best of her(as it often did), and Argentina decided to figure out what exactly was creating such a racket. She wandered around until she came to a suspicious-looking, moving bush. Startled, she kicked it. A loud "Ouch!" could be heard. The voice was seemingly familiar.

"Switzerland?"she questioned, cautiously.

"Argentina? What the heck?! Never mind! Just help me!"he ordered. Argentina thought about this. Why should she help the person who was just hours ago chasing and shooting at her? Still, everyone was entitled to help when in need. She pulled and pulled on Switzerland(She was never very athletic or strong) until he was finally free of the bush. He thanked her and apologized for earlier's events, but one question just couldn't be avoided.

"Whatever happened to my guns, by the way?" Switzerland inquired.

Argentina pondered this and replied,"I gave them to Germany."

"You did WHAT?!!!"snapped a once again pissed off Switzerland. The chase was now back on, and wouldn't end for quite some time.
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AN: This is actually the story that started me writing these fanfics! It was supposed for Language Arts class in school. The project we were doing was writing our own version of the Good Samaritan after reading a different version in the textbook. I would've read it aloud to the class, but I screwed it up too much! XD Or so I thought! And I wasn't finished yet.^_~

Mew Cake Arrives! Nya~

Hi! I'm so excited! Today was my first ever date! With none other than the most desired boy in our school, Kaito Izumi! Too bad our date was interrupted...
We chose to go to the park. It was fun being surrounded by all the cute animals. Especially the bunnies! As lunchtime was nearing, we decided to have a picnic. Kaito went off to go find something we could eat.
After he left, I noticed a cute cafe.
"Maybe we could go there sometime,"I said.
Suddenly, the ground started to shake. I didn't know what to do! Then, a bright light flashed underneath me! I don't remember what happened after that. Maybe I fainted. A strange dream came to me during that time. I found a bunny and picked it up. When I did, it leaped inside me. Soon after that, I woke up.
A monster was attacking Kaito! What could I do? I'm not the strongest person, but I wasn't just going to let something like that happen! A glowing pendant came flying at me! I caught it, and words came to me. From my heart.
"Mew Mew Cake! Metamorphosis!" I shouted. I began to transform!
My outfit was a white minidress with a puffy skirt that had pink lines running down and small designs on the sides. I had white, high-heeled boots with a pattern similar to the dress. There were also white gloves and a garter belt that matched my outfit. I stared in astonishment at this. The thing that surprised me the most was that I now had bunny ears and a cotton-like tail!
"What am I?! What just happened?!"I questioned. I didn't recieve an answer or have time to. The monster was now concentrated on me! I had to do something, but what? More words came to me.
"Cake Bell!" I shouted. As I shouted that, a bell formed. It was in the shape of a heart, with what looked like an arrow, running through it.
"Ribon Cake Shock!"
The bell emitted very strong soundwaves that somehow destroyed the monster.
"What is going on?! I need an explanation!"I yelled angrily to the sky. Hopefully, I'll get one soon.

Besanii's Quincy Origin

I remember the day I became I Quincy like it was yesterday. I was on my way home. I had just gotten out of class. Suddenly, I heard a strange noise. I turned around to see what appeared to be a monster wearing a hockey mask. I was so scared, I couldn't move. Then out of nowhere, came what was looked like a blue arrow. From a nearby tree, I saw a man in a white outfit holding a bow that was the same color blue as the arrow.
"By the honor of the Quincy, I won't let you kill this woman!"he shouted.
I stood, staring in awe at the sight. He shot some more arrows. I ran out of the way, out of common sense and my fear of arrows.(Yes. I have a fear of arrows. Strange for a Quincy, right?)
The monster launched an attack that knocked the man off his tree. I rushed over to him to see if he was hurt. He was trapped under the tree. I couldn't stand to see a person hurt, so I confronted the monster. I know it was stupid, but I had to try. The man cautioned me against it, but I didn't listen. I tried to fight it using my karate skills, but they didn't work. I ended up getting beaten pretty bad. The man tried desparately to wriggle from under the tree, but with no success. I started to think about how he was trying to protect me, and I was being an idiot.
"I'm going to devour your soul, little girl!"the monster said evily.
I thought about what he just said, and in one desparate attack, I somehow formed a bow just like the man's. I was surprised, but I kept concentrating until I had formed an arrow,too. I was a little shaky due to my fear, but I forced myself to shoot the arrow. It hit the monster directly in the middle of its head. It turned into dust instantly. I ran back over to the man to help toss the tree off.
"Nice aim,"he commented.
"Thanks,"I said.
"So you're a Quincy?"
"What's a Quincy?
"I'll explain if you're ready to listen. By the way, I'm Uryu."
"I'm Besanii. Nice to meet you."
"That's a nice name."
I blushed. I listened to Uryu tell me all about Quincys and what they do. By the time he was finished, it was time to go home.
"Do you want me to walk you home?"he offered.
"Sure,"I replied, maybe a little too quickly. I walked home with Uryu. When we got there, he said he would see me tomorrow. From then on, we've been meeting almost every day to talk about Quincy things and show each other our latest Quincy tricks.
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Besanii The Quincy!!!

Hi! I used to be a normal girl just like anyone. That is until one fateful day. The day I learned I was a quincy. I don't really remeber how it happened. I only remeber a few details. But, I could never forget that day or that boy I met. It was like it was destined to happen. But why to me?!!! Somedays, I wish I was still a normal girl. But then I think of all the good things that happened becuase of it.

I'm kind of stalled for ideas so sorry I didn't get to the point! Please don't hate me! I'll think of an idea quick! This will be continued! So stick around!