Besanii's Quincy Origin

I remember the day I became I Quincy like it was yesterday. I was on my way home. I had just gotten out of class. Suddenly, I heard a strange noise. I turned around to see what appeared to be a monster wearing a hockey mask. I was so scared, I couldn't move. Then out of nowhere, came what was looked like a blue arrow. From a nearby tree, I saw a man in a white outfit holding a bow that was the same color blue as the arrow.
"By the honor of the Quincy, I won't let you kill this woman!"he shouted.
I stood, staring in awe at the sight. He shot some more arrows. I ran out of the way, out of common sense and my fear of arrows.(Yes. I have a fear of arrows. Strange for a Quincy, right?)
The monster launched an attack that knocked the man off his tree. I rushed over to him to see if he was hurt. He was trapped under the tree. I couldn't stand to see a person hurt, so I confronted the monster. I know it was stupid, but I had to try. The man cautioned me against it, but I didn't listen. I tried to fight it using my karate skills, but they didn't work. I ended up getting beaten pretty bad. The man tried desparately to wriggle from under the tree, but with no success. I started to think about how he was trying to protect me, and I was being an idiot.
"I'm going to devour your soul, little girl!"the monster said evily.
I thought about what he just said, and in one desparate attack, I somehow formed a bow just like the man's. I was surprised, but I kept concentrating until I had formed an arrow,too. I was a little shaky due to my fear, but I forced myself to shoot the arrow. It hit the monster directly in the middle of its head. It turned into dust instantly. I ran back over to the man to help toss the tree off.
"Nice aim,"he commented.
"Thanks,"I said.
"So you're a Quincy?"
"What's a Quincy?
"I'll explain if you're ready to listen. By the way, I'm Uryu."
"I'm Besanii. Nice to meet you."
"That's a nice name."
I blushed. I listened to Uryu tell me all about Quincys and what they do. By the time he was finished, it was time to go home.
"Do you want me to walk you home?"he offered.
"Sure,"I replied, maybe a little too quickly. I walked home with Uryu. When we got there, he said he would see me tomorrow. From then on, we've been meeting almost every day to talk about Quincy things and show each other our latest Quincy tricks.
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