
*This is for a Challenge called Dream Free. For this contest, I am supposed to write about a dream. The most memorable dreams for me are my nightmares. Also, my nightmares are very graphic and pretty dang scary at time, though I actually prefer scary dreams (They don't scare me). I hope you all enjoy this.*

"Nikki!" my co-worker Rachel screamed into her cellphone when I answered. It was late at night, and I couldn't figure out why she would be calling so late. Rachel and I weren't close by any means.

"What's wrong?" I asked, noting the terror in her voice. She was scared of something, but as of yet, I did not know of what.

"Someone is after me!" she whispered, her voice suddenly dropping a few octaves.

I shook my head, confused. "What? Who's after you?" I wasn't understanding what she was trying to get across to me.

Rachel didn't answer, but I could hear her breathing heavily. Then, I could hear a door opening. Then, banging. Somehow, I figured out she was in the bathroom at work, in the stall. We both worked at a little diner in town as waitresses/ cooks.

Whomever she was saying was after her had found her. She dropped her phone and was drug out of the room. I could hear the screams, and it sent chills up my spine.

I knew I had to do something, so I rushed into town and went to work. The lights were off and there were no signs of anything out of place. Going into the bathroom, I found Rachel's cellphone gone. I rushed into the back where the grill was. One of the mats, which are usually placed at the base of the grill and fryers where you stand on, is flipped up.

Nervously, I walked over and lifted up the mat. I saw a hole under the mat and there were dead, rotting bodies in the hole of all the people the owners had killed. Rachel was lying on top. I gasped as I covered the hole up once again.

Mary and Nick, the owners- who are also brother and sister, weren't the type of people to do such a thing. They were good people. Somehow, I was able to figure out that they weren't the ones that had committed this horrendous act. Deep down, I knew it was my parents. I also figured out that my mom was the mastermind behind it all and she was trying to kill me. My dad was like her henchman, the one that did the dirty work.

The next afternoon, my mom and dad decided they were going to treat us out for lunch. I was a little wary about being with my parents, but I agreed to go nonetheless.

We went to the diner that I worked at, and Mary and Nick were nicer than ever towards us. I smiled and went and sat down while my parents talked to them. I grabbed my younger brother Anthony and pulled him to the side where our parents could not hear us.

"Anthony, we need to leave," I whispered, looking over my shoulder to make sure my mom and dad were not coming.

He frowned. "Why?"

Anthony and I had always been close, so I knew I could tell him anything. "Mom and Dad killed Rachel, and now they are after us! They are going to kill us. We have to get out of here!"

Anthony shook his head, "You're crazy."

"They are murderers!" But it was no use. No matter what I said, Anthony wouldn't listen to me.

Suddenly, my dad, of whom I had just been talking about, started massaging my shoulders. He had a look in his eyes telling me he knew what we were talking about. "Let's go sit over there," he pointed to the table around the corner, where no one would be able to see us.

I shook my head. "H-how about we stay right here. I like this spot best," I stammered.

My mom waved me over casually. "Come on, Nikki. Everyone wants to sit over here."

Anthony got up and raced to her side and sat down. I shook my head, refusing to go sit with them. If I went over there, I wasn't sure I'd stay alive. I stood up, still shaking my head.

Suddenly, my mom, dad, Nick, and Mary were all surrounding me. They all had a demonic look in their eyes, as if they were possessed. They tried beckoning me to stay, but I tore out of that diner and never looked back.

Then, I woke up.

*So, this wasn't the most graphic dream I have ever had, but I have never felt that much terror knowing my parents were trying to kill me and I couldn't get my brother to leave. Anyway, I hope you like it*
