Hey there!

It seems you've stumbled upon my fan-fic/story world! I post all of my writings here. I currently am working on the stories Normal, Zakuro Academy and Encounter With a Ghost. I try to update as often as I can, but some weeks are very tough for me. Comments are very appreciated and I hope you come here lot's!


Writing to Classical-The hall of the Mountain King

This is a neat little feature I'll be doing. I've been listening to classical and am trying to build a story around each song I listen to. Here is the song for this story, titled The Hall of the Mountain King. Enjoy and tell me what yout think!


Writing to Classical
The Hall of the Mountain King

I had heard of it before, the dark castle that loomed over my small village. Rumours said that the great Mountain King lived in it and protected our village and the others near us. The Elders said never to go in it, we were told that someone had once and nearly destroyed the whole village doing so. But it always was in the corner of my eye, in the back of my mind. The great castle was like a magnet. And at midnight and sneaked out to see it.

I stepped up to its huge doors. "If there is a Mountain King, he's sleeping." I thought. I opened them with a mighty pull and was greeted with a huge hall. It seemed stretched on for miles. I walked inside, my palms sweating, and I felt nervous. What if I was caught by someone from the village? Or worse...the Mountain King. But I still walked forward.

Huge doors were lined side by side on the sides of the hall. It was extravagant in its own way, giant pillars supporting the roof. Almost like a cathedral. My footsteps echoed and I went onto tip-toes. Giant chandeliers hung on the the ceiling. "So amazing." I gasped. But then the door shut closed and I stopped. Footsteps could be heard behind me and I started to walk a little faster down the great hall. The footsteps went faster as well.

I started into a small jog. "The end...where's the end!?" I thought. There was no door at the end of the hall. I made a sharp turn and headed to a large door. I heaved at the handle but the door didn't open. The footsteps were so close...

I ran to the front entrance. I sprinted with everything I had, but the footsteps were right with me. "He must be right behind me!" I thought. I almost slammed into the door and grabbed at the handle. I felt a hand grab my shoulder. It clenched on tightly but I threw open the door and jerked out of its reach. And slammed it shut and back to the village.

I never told anyone I'd went in, but I was sure the footsteps that were after me were that of the Mountain King. Who knows what would have happened if I had not escaped...

Gemstone Eyes chapter 9

Chapter 9

Ren and I met up again for the last day of the festivals. We looked at the shops we had missed the night before and participated in a few more games. “This has been the best festival in a long time.” I smiled, looking to him. I lost track and accidently ran into someone. “I’m sorry!” I blurted. “It’s fine, just what where your going okay Sayuri-san?” I heard a familiar voice say. Akemi stood above me, a hand extended. I took it and brushed off my kimono. “Thanks Akemi.” I said.

“Has he seen Ren? Where is Ren?” I peeked behind me. Ren was gone. “Are you by yourself Sayuri-san?” Akemi asked. “Um…I was. I’m not sure where he went though.” I answered. Akemi’s face glowed like a light. “If you’d like to, do you mind joining me?” He said. I blanked. “How do I say no? He’ll probably ask who I’m going with if I refuse. Ren, where are you!?” I thought. “I’m not sure. I suppose I could walk with you for a little while until I find him.” I said cautiously. “Great!” Akemi smiled.

Something sparked in my mind. My mother had asked if I was going with Akemi last night with my kimono…and she said he’d talked to them. “What had you said? I’ll have to ask them later.” I pushed it out of my mind and turned my attention to Akemi. “Have you played the shooting game?” He asked. I had, with Ren. “Yeah I have.” I trailed off. “Oh.” He replied mutely. “But I haven’t tried this one! Let’s go.” I turned to the nearest booth.

A few hours passed. I noticed Ren had been following us here and there. I walked with several prizes in my hands, looking down to get my footing right. Of course I tripped. I felt sure hands grab onto me. I was sure it had to be Akemi, he’d been right beside. I was pulled up, only to see Ren’s familiar eyes. I blanked again.

“Ah! Thank you.” I mumbled. Akemi was staring daggers. He probably knew of the rivalry. He brushed between me and Ren. “Let’s go Sayuri-san.” Akemi took my hand and led me away. I turned to see Ren, a hard expression on his face. “I’m sorry!” I mouthed. I don’t think he saw it.


I messed up with the rules and am going to fix them>.< Here is the first one.

For Meaning challenge from Halfway Vamp. The emotion is love (if you haven't guessed)

I love you, how can I possibly not?

Gemstone Eyes Chapter 8

I love this chapter! Tell me what you think.

Gemstone Eyes
Chapter 8

My mother fitted me into my kimono. The pattern was beautiful, I'd picked it myself, with a bright blue material and Koi fish seemingly swimming. My hair was clipped up, a feeling I wasn't used to. A red obi completed the look. I smiled at myself in the mirror. "Thank you so much! It's amazing Okasan." I said to her, bowing deeply. "My pleasure. You're a lot more excited about this festival then the later years. Perhaps your going with a boy? That Akemi seemed very nice. You remember him? He talked to us awhile ago." She asked slyly. I looked down. "No, I'm not. The fireworks are just supposed to be very good this year." I replied nonchalantly. "Oh." My mother said flatly.

I headed out half an hour later. Ren met me in the small garden. He wore a traditional gi. "You look amazing." He greeted me. I blushed slightly. "We better head down now! They're just about to start." I said. Ren nodded in agreement and we began the trips. "I can't wait for you to see it! It's really something else. All the sights and sounds are just fantastic. The festivals are one of my most favourite times of the year." I told him enthusiastically. Ren grinned. I stopped at the entryway. We had arrived.

The whole village seemed to be at the festivals. Food wafted from the stands, and the sounds of cheering and laughter could be heard everywhere. "Let's grab some dango's!" I exclaimed and grabbed his hand. We ordered two and soon swallowed them down. "Now that we have a full stomach we can play some games." I said. We took some shots at a shooting game. "Ah..no luck. Would ya like to try again?" The vendor asked. "No thanks." I refused and we continued on.

Eventually we won something. It was just a small teddy bear, but looked very cute in my eyes. "Thank you so much Ren! It's adorable!" I smiled. "Happy you like it." Ren replied. "So how are you liking the festivals?" I asked. "They're really fun. But I can't wait for the fireworks." He said. "They should start soon." I told him. He nodded. "Let's go find a place. I want to get a good spot." I said and lead him to one. "It's usually taken by this time. We hardly ever get it." I said. It was on top of a large hill, the sky clear and radiant.

"I think it's so beautiful, the stars and everything." Ren said. "Where I live, it's very busy and you usually can't see them. That's one of my favourite about Kawaga Village." He smiled, peering up. "I'm so used to being able to spot them. I guess I took their beauty for granted." I replied. A small whistle could be heard, then a brilliant spark of light. The fireworks had begun. "Look at that one! It's such a pretty colour! Oh!!!" I exclaimed. Spurges and trails of different lights faded in and out. "They really are better this year." I said. Ren watched in awe of the explosions. Their reflections showed in his eyes. His bright green, gemstone eyes....

Ren turned to me. "Sayuri..." He trailed off. "Yes Ren?" I asked him, tearing away from the fireworks. And like a lightning bolt Ren's lips were on mine. I sat there shocked, and he just about pulled away when I kissed back. We stayed like that for what seemed forever. When we finally pulled back, the fireworks had stopped. I giggled. "Right time, wrong day." I said. "We'll start our own tradition." Ren smiled. I laughed alongside him. We'd talked about how we'd cared for each other so much, even going to marriage, and learned so much. But we'd never actually kissed. And when we finally did it seemed to seal the deal. It proved that what we'd said was true.


2nd submission to Halfway Vamp's challenge. Emotion is sadness.

You left just as quickly as you'd come, you were in my grasp just a minute ago.