9/11 Report

Hi! I was just cleaning out my stories folder and saw this. It was a assignment for Socials class as it was 9/11 and we were studying the Arab World. Enjoy


I arrived at work late on September 11, 2001. I worked as a freelance writer for several newspapers and was meeting for an interview. My husband worked at the World Trade Center, or the Twin Towers, and was always boasting to his friends about it. "Your building doesn't have 110 stories does it?" He would burst. I laughed along with the rest of his friends. We'd just married two years back and were proud that we have overcome our first year. We were thinking of a family.

I got to the meeting at about 7:50 am. I quickly sat down at my seat, brought out the recorder, pad of paper and pencil, and began. We started. About forty minutes later a shriek pierced though walls of the room. I leapt from my seat and into the nearby lobby, where the direction of the yell come from. One of my co-workers was staring in awe at the television screen. I left out a scream when I saw the headline.

One of the twin towers had collapsed.

"Is he in there? What can I do? Why did it collapse? What's happening!" I yelled inside my head. I barely made it to the seat beside me, my hand cupped over my mouth. "This just in: One of the Twin Towers has collapsed. I repeat: A Twin Tower has collapsed!" A news reporter exclaimed. We sat there watching the screen. I was in complete and utter shock. It seemed almost over until fifteen minutes were up.

A plane, clear as day, headed straight into the other tower. I let out a sob at the sight of it falling. I couldn't bare to watch anymore. He was in there, there was no way he wasn't, and he probably hadn't survived. My husband was most likely dead.

It took approximately 2 hours for both the towers to fall on 9/11. Four planes were hijacked by terrorists. 2 of the planes flew into the Twin Towers. One plane hit the Pentagon. The fourth plane was directed to The Whitehouse but was overthrown but the passengers on board and flew into a farm. United 93 was the name of the plane. All planes were told to land or, if foreign, to go back. Most planes landed in Nova Scotia.

7 days of silence followed after the 9/11 attack, were 23 people survived and 2,976 were killed. No planes flew for 7 days strait. The stock market flew downwards.

The first plane hit the first tower at 8:46 am. The second plane it the second tower at 9:03 am, just fifteen minutes later. The Pentagon was hit by the third plane at 9:37 am. The fourth plane crashed into a field at 10:03 am. May we never forget what happened on this fateful day.
