Gemstone Eyes Chapter 11

Gemstone Eyes

Chapter 11

The night sky was dark, clouds blocking the moon which was my only source of light. I stumbled over roots, ran through thickets, barely taking breaks. I fell once again, my ankle twisted. It hurt but stopping was not an option. I couldn't look back. Finally my body shut down, the adrenaline leaving my veins. I slumped against a tree. "If he followed me I have no idea what I would do." I thought.

I tighten into a ball and made myself as small as possible. My heart beat inside my, thundering. "Can he hear it?" I thought. I held my breath and waited. Minutes passed and sat there. The wind rustled the leaves above my head. I began to rise for my hiding spot.

I froze, my eye widening. They were close, ever so close. I quickly slid up and prepared to run again. Thump, thump crack! I dashed. Strong but sure hands grabbed me and pulled me back. "No! No! Let go of me! Don't hurt me. I'm sorry Akemi! I'm sorry!" I screamed, struggling from the grip. A hand cupped my mouth and I screamed louder. "Don't!" My muffled voice rang. "Sayuri, it's Ren. Your fine." He whispered. I continued to thrash.

He spun me around and put me into an embrace. He stroked my hair, held me close. The smell of tea leaves wafted through me. "Ren..." I whispered. "Your okay." He said soothingly. I sobbed into his shoulder. Hushed tones soothed my nerves and we stayed there for a long time. The panic began to subside.

" he following us?" I asked. "No." Ren replied, anger spiking in his voice. "We should get you back to the Inn. You need to get cleaned up. I nodded and we stood up again. My ankle gave way. "Agh!" I slumped back to the ground again. "Dammit!" I cursed. Ren's eyes were hard and he picked me up. "I wish I knew what he was thinking..." I thought. "C'mon Sayuri. You need to get home." He mumbled and started running.
