
Chapter 2

I gave a sad look at my friends. They gave a sad look back. It was that day again. The day where the jocks took the girl in our group they wanted most. They could beat her up, have their way with her, anything. She couldn’t do anything about it. It was the way things worked in this school.

Jocks, for some reason, were the top of the high-school food chain. They’d picked me. They grinned mischievously and swooned when I came up. Cursing at me under their breath and insulting me at the same time. I followed them to where they took the girl they chose.

“It’s okay. I’m going to be all right.” I tried soothing myself. It didn’t work. I held my breath as it started. I panicked and tried to run. “Make a wall!” one shouted, obviously the leader. The boys formed a wall at my escape route. They caught me and then took my arms and legs. They swung me like when I got birthday bumps when I was a kid. I waited to crash. “This girl weighs a ton,” one said. I waited. My foot fell down. “Now’s my chance,” I thought. I tried to get up but a boy jumped on my back.

“I hope that hurt,” a boy grumbled. “It didn’t actually,” I said. “Hold her still I want to bench her!” one said. They lifted me up and held my right arm. I waited. I heard him running them I swung my hand. Bulls-eye. I felt my hand thump against a face then heard him fall. I looked back. He was lying on the ground. “You okay man?” a jock asked. He got up. “Yeah dude, I’m okay,” he answered.

I was afraid. I felt like I was going to puke. I waited for the next blow as I fell to the ground. But it never came. “Get off of her,” I heard an unfamiliar voice say. “What the?” I thought. I couldn’t move my head to see who it was, as it was pinned down. “Ugh,” I said out-loud. I felt my arm being pulled. I slowly got up but my legs felt like Jell-O. I felt myself being supported up and headed to the school.

“Who are you?” I asked, unable to open my eyes for the world would spin if I did. “Colin,” was the short reply. I felt myself laid onto a bed. I was probably in the school’s medical-room. I slowly drifted away, just catching Colin’s voice explaining to the nurse what happened. “Who would have guessed?” I thought then disappeared into an undisturbed sleep.