Yo, everyone! ^u^ I watched K-On last Firday & i reaaaaaally love it!!!

It's a very awesome anime & it's about music too! So it's a really good one. The animation is very stunning & the performances are so awesome! I really enjoyed it! It's soooo funny too! Hehehe!

Currently, I'm on K-on!! Season 2! Yeah, season 2. =P

I really love the light music club! Yui is really cute & somehow I can relate to her... xD i think i need to get my guitar a maintenance... OuO It's strings are rusty. xD

And the Season 1 ED is the BEST!!! I love the song so much & the vid! It amazes me everytime. :D

Hmmm... I'm going to try my best. I shouldn't let these challenges in my life get to me. I'll try to be more positive & enthusiastic so I can be much happier! Moe moe, KYUUUN!! >u<

Yeah, watching K-on gave me hope in some way. So I'll be doing my best!
