Between the Capt. and me.

Me: She's not stranded... Yet?

You smell funny. *cringes*

Jack: She be stranded on the island I left her on, aye. But not with me in New York.

(OOC: The RP I am in has Disney characters stranded in modern-day New York City.)

I do not! Ye take that back, ye scallywag!

Me: Ah. I see. *wonders what she might be doing with ye doll*

(I’m pretty much aware of it. *looked at the open roles to see if she could do one, but decided not to. Xd*)

*tries not to laugh* Bad hygiene = typical description of a pirate as yerself. :D And besides, it's a guy asset. Be proud of it. *smirks*

Jack: Ugh … I would rather not know what villainous things she is going to do with me doll.

Really, lass, ye fancy a man with a strong odour?
External Image

((OOC: Join!!))

Me: Aye. Experiencing it once is enough.

*shrugs and giggles* There are a few odors I’m attracted to.

((Will ponder on that. X3 Any roles you can recommend me to take? *can’t really decide because most open roles are awesome *villain* Disney characters.*))

Jack: Such as? -leans in closer-

[OOC: Villians would be fun! We only have one - Maleficent. We used to have a Davy Jones but he vanished. I don’t think he even posted once? My creys.]
Me: Sour' odors. Sour milk to be exact. I can't tell what you are like, after you 'spiced up' yourself. You REALLY smell funny 'cause of that. *shudders*

(I bet Davy Jones got pwned by Will. Xd I want a Tangled role but rules said they'd be added later. :( Maybe i'll do Angelina then? Would be so much fun to *cough*torture*cough* RP with you Jack. :D)

Jack: Imagine the spices mixed with my natural body odour and rum, lass. A smell to warm the heart, me thinks.

(I think that you can apply for Tangled roles now since we are pretty established? PM the Disney RP page and see! ^^ Otherwise, I would love more potc folks! Though I RP with everyone - or try to at least! ^^ )
Me: Rum's gone. And I don't like it. Never will. Your smell plus that will easily knock me out. And I don't mean something else.

(I guess so! I passed by an anon question about Rapunzel! Oh gosh, I wanna do Tangled, but I do wanna do POTC too! Hate it when I'm torn with my two fave movies. *sulks* And Elizabeth's already taken. D:

i'll cute paper and name draws. Draw names, I mean. Anyway, it's been a pleasure talking with you, Captain. :> )

Jack: I have used my smell as a weapon before - even knocked good ol’ Will off his feet. -smells self- And yet the ladies still come?

(OOC: Okay! Sounds good! Either way, it will be good to have you on board!)
Me: that was your breath. Body odor and bad breath are two different things. So yes, the ladies still come, and yes, they slap you afterwards.


Jack: I’m not sure I deserve all those….

[ooc: i am sure you will be!! :) ]

Me: *Ponders* You may have deserved some of 'em.

(haha, thanks. :D )

Jack: Maybe .. Maybe one or two.
Wenches just be so …. Emotional

Me: *nods*
Ah. We ladies are that. For a good reason. *glares*

Jack: External Image

[The End. :D]