Reviews continue on

As the title says, I plan on returning to my reviews here. They won't be in the traditional format or the latest one that I developed (I will also work on those, but maybe later), but instead they will be of a shorter format mostly based on my personal preferences and how I watched and enjoyed the show.

In other words it will be a list of anime (series, movies, OVA) that I watched and also manga that I read. They will have short reviews and impressions and also my personal mark though it is greatly influenced by the overall quality of that show. I will post three per day until I run out for now.
~ Here are the rules.


~ All of the following articles are made in terms of short reviews relying lot on my personal view, but also the one that is standard among viewers.

~ I will try to include both mangaka and anime director, but if there is no mangaka then I will either put the company who made the anime, co-director, or the writer.

~ All grades given are my personal ones and don’t have to be the one that I would use for a full written review. Though I do put a lot of objective viewing and overall quality into these marks as well, they are still mostly based on my personal impression which could well be taken on with whom I watched, nostalgia feelings, the time I watched it, what I found interesting, did I enjoy it even if it had some weak elements, etc.

~ All the episodes written are the ones that concerns that series, not a certain season or part of it. Every series that is split by a certain time releases (by different seasons) and has different name will be taken as a separate entity. The reviews as well are divided by these terms.

~ In each genre section there will be only three genres written. While the series can contain more, they will be done so in order to avoid confusion and only focus on the main ones that represent that series.

~ Age ratings are based on the personal observation by the writer of these reviews. They are divided by minimal recommended age group for the anime to start watching them (all ages, older children, teenagers, mature) and the actual minimal age recommended for watching (all ages, 12+, 14+, 15+, 18+)

~ The original vintage or airing displayed is the one for Japan where it was first released.

~ The property of all these writings is of the writer itself (Fikret Bašić). All opinions and points of views are respected. The solely purpose of this is of the own entertainment and analysis.  
