Elfen Lied (short review and impression)

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There are masterpieces in art and in music as well. But then there are some in anime too. The ones that are not understood by everyone, but that can either heal or damage your heart, but it will become a part of it. You will understand your life better and know your actions more. You will respect everyone more and value your own life more. The whole quality of this anime is excellent, right from the animations, drawings, to voice acting and fantastic music. ‘Lilium’ became a well famous song and for a good reason too. It describes the sorrow and grief of the characters and of the ones that are forgotten and misjudged.

I could go on and on talking about it, but everything to say is already said. Keep in mind that it is filled with gore and violence and for that it might be not for everyone. The opening scene warns you on that from the very beginning. But among all that sorrow there is happiness too. It surrounds us all and we just need to try and find it. To try to find it in others, dear ones and ones that we don’t understand. This anime also has one of the best presented and some may say saddest endings of them all (they had to change the concept a little, because they shortened the anime compared to original manga). But I can’t say only that it is sad, it also carries a weight, a weight full of understanding.

At the end it leaves you with a thought and a feeling that slowly grows in your inner self. As I said, it might be not for everyone, but when the moment comes that you think that you are ready for it, it will be waiting for you.


Mangaka: Lynn Okamoto

Genres: psychological, horror, drama

Anime director: Mamoru Kanbe

Age rating: mature (18+)

Episodes: 13 (+1 extra)

Original vintage: July 2004 - October 2004
