Oh how I love wasting time on meme...


Do not repeat answers.
Answer the questions truthfully.

ONE thing you wish for.
-Never having to work again.

TWO confessions.
-I wish the Asian guy at the gym would stop wearing headbands and start styling his hair like Kim Hyun Joong.
- I love sweets more than Hani-sempai…aka, I’m hungry

THREE best comrades.
-Kei-chan *kiss kiss*
-Petinny *giggidy?*
-All my Otaku comrades! (Itemilicious, Nica, hetatard & uzumaki and more!)

FOUR random thoughts.
-My boss is gonna chain himself to a tree…
-I’m hungry
-A plastic owl with mini sunglasses is staring at me
-I can’t wait for this week to be over.

FIVE favorite colors.

SIX things that bug you.
-People who don’t know how to drive
-Being hungry
-Food that tastes like it was made by England
-Being way too shy

SEVEN quotes or conversations.
- Italy: “Oh Wow, there too?” * talking about miniatures & looking at Japan’s manhood in the hot spring*
-“Who are you?” Kumajiro (Bear) to Canada.
-“Don’t take life too seriously; you’ll never get out alive” - Van Wilder
-“It’s the kid in us all that keeps us from going crazy”- Dr. John Dorian
-“Don’t make Hiragana without asking, aru!” –China to young Japan
-“Eventually I will become a great empire and overcome that jerk England!” -Sealand
-“I remember when I used to be into nostalgia.”- Demitri Martin

EIGHT things you've learned.
-Kei-chan and Ja-chan don’t get why yaoi is sometimes awesome.
-Some people think anime fans are all delinquents, LOL
-Mashed potatoes came from Germany
-I’m hungry
-Otakon 2011 is much too far away
-How to make onigiri
-Thai-American men are pretty, (See #TWO: confessions)
-Twilight really isn’t that good.

NINE things you love.
-My Mac
-Kei-chan & Siri-kun
-Anything cute
-My Otaku Friends!

TEN people you will tag.
-Everyone!!! Yay! I guess that’s more than ten, but…
