Stupid is what stupid does

Meet marry and ann aka the 2 dumb friends from a town they dont even know. They need a vacation, soon to be a disaster. Both has disaster written all over them.. Later they won a vacation over the internet, well the guy at the internet café helded them because marry doesnt know how to even swich the computer on

While ann is struggling to open the toilet door. She push instead off pull. Finally their on their way to their vacation destination. As they board the plane ann had to go to the restroom again. As she walked looking a whole hour for the restroom while passing it twice she saw cockpitt she thought by herself. Im a lady so im looking for that. So she walked looking for the restroom and as she walked the flight attendent asked her. "mam can i help you? You look lost." she replied by saying. Yes actually i believe i am lost. Can you tell me where is the lady restroom? I see the cockpitt is for men only.. The flight attendent replied. "mam thats where the pilots are the restroom is over here.. Later marry came looking for ann and saw cockpitt written on the wall. She opend the door and saw two pilots flying the plane. Since planes intruaged marry so much she started to ask alot of questions and saw a auto button on the plane that stands for auto pilot..

She asked whats it for and they told her. She turned around amazed by the buttons and walked away. Later she found ann already back in her seat and gone to join her.. 6hours has gone by and its finally time to land. As they got of the plane they hired a car and marry saw an auto button on the dashboard of the car but it was actually Autospeed. Thinking back on what she saw in the cockpitt she thought it must be the same button for auto pilot.. She was very tired after the flight since its impossible to sleep on a plane and ann was already asleep.. She press the button and gone to sleep. Mean while the car travels straight at 75m/h passing people, red lights and other cars and ended up throw a shopping center. Ann flew throw the window and marry broke her jaw on the stearing wheel. The end..
