woah woah woah!!!!! it's been really really really long time since i post here..and now i'm coming back once again to submit some art..i just finished submitting 2 fan art now ^^ and currently working for a card..i miss my friends here and thank you jikosangel for the dedication i was really surprise to found someone dedicating an art to me even though i been gone here for a long time.

I do not own this picture, i got it from a site, credits goes to zerochan.net
Thanks everyone for still supporting me even if i'm gone doing some business in the real world XDDDDDD anyway please look forward to other arts i'm gonna submit.
it's really been a long long time since I posted here at my world :)
Well i'm busy right now doing my costume for the next cosplay in october.
here's the one i'm gonna cosplay...

what do you think?..it's really hard but my friends are helping me while they are doing their own costume..really glad i have friends like them.
i miss making fanart and editing some wallpaper.
hope i can make fanart, card and wallpapers soon.
Anyway there are some people here who are really rude saying this is the original..didn't they saw the wallpapers i made i'm crediting it to whoever i got it from..still they all blah blah blah there blah blah blah here..can't they mind there own business and they can say it nicely not being rude..specially 'that' whoever person that is, is actually new here...i don't want any fight or having conflicts to other here..so please be nice..i'm not even doing anything bad to you.
thank you guys so much for reading this latest post i have..i love you guyz!!!
now now..how should i start..hmm so here's how i draw it but sorry for the quality of the pic it was just taken from the camera of my phone (-_-')
And i forgot to take the picture while i was doing the character so her finished image only wa...
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Its been almost 3 months since i last posted here in my world. Being a college student is really freaking me out. They even took my summer time. Summer class is really tiring, but my subject foreign language is not, why? well that's because the language where learning is nihongo/japanese..hooray! at least there is still fun in my summer time..only on this subject though!!! Anyway i must be optimistic..:P hahaha
Oh and i just submitted a fanart check it out 
I really miss theotaku!!!
I also miss the people here in theotaku!!!

This is what i look like this summer!
Hey there! It's been really long time since i opened my theotaku account, i really missed a lot of happening here now and then. Schools are the busiest place on earth. The heck was that! So freakin' tired, exhausted..oh! for this past few month i didn't able to submit my wallpaper for the challenges T_T too bad for me..awwwww..hope i can submit any wallie, fan art or card soon.. i really miss being here in theotaku >_<

i miss theotaku
(>^.^)> theotaku <(^.^<)