July, 8th, 2009

Dear Diary,

Well, I finally went to the college and I registered. I took the placement test and I hope I don't fail it. I have my new student orientation on July 31st. I feel like i'm gonna fail but Darrk (Ben) my boyfriend has made me feel so much better about myself. thank you so much Ben! I love you lots!

Well, through the rest of the Summer I am going to continue my Algebra studies cause math is not my strong suit whatsoever. I wish I was better at it honestly. then I wouldn't feel the need to drop the makor that I want so much. Virology takes a lot of Algebra... but Ben told me that he would hate to see me drop my drea,s over an obstacle... I guess he is right. I just need to work harder and study a lot more... more than I am now I guess... ugh I hate math. But I'm gonnatake my old math teachers advice "Just pretnd that you love this stuff!" Mrs. Cruz was my favorite math teacher. I actually learned everthing she taught me. I miss her.

Well, this Summer is almost ending. I'm gonna rest and study and hang out for the remainder if the Summer too. Me and Ben are gonna go to the Warped Tour! At least I hope. We need a ride and some money to go and eat there and stuff. But I think I'm paying for both tickets. Once I have a job, I will be able to start saving money better. At least I hope! I am gonna start a bank account with my first paycheck.

Well, my time is almost expired on this computer. I guess I will talk to you all laterz! I typed this thing pretty fast. Please excuse any typos. BYE BYE!
