January 2, 2009

Dear Diary,

The new year has finally arrived and I am so happy! The new year started off well I guess. But I didn't get to be with my boyfriend at twelve. I wanted my first New Years kiss. But I guess I have to wait until next year.

Yesterday I went to the mall and had a little shopping spree. I like to do that sometimes.^_^ I know, I like to spoil myself sometimes but who doesn't! I bought myself a Kuromi bag, a pretty locket necklace with matching earrings, pretty bracelets, and a (hed)pe cd. I had a good day that day except for the fact that I was soooooooo TIRED! Then after the mall, I went to my grandmother's house and she made me dinner for me and my family. Ah, it was very nice. I enjoyed myself. I hope everyone else's New Year was fantastic too!

Today, is going to be a relaxing day. I filled out my phone rebate forms, I played around on t he computer, I started to take the Christmas decorations down, and I talked to my boyfriend. I am soon going to play Disgae and level up some of my characters. I am hungry too. I think I will make myself a tuna fish sandwich soon. YUMMY!

School starts on Monday the 5th. Yay I can't wait (sarcasm). Really, I cannot wait until I graduate from High school. It is really stressful. Kids there are so immature that I cannot stand it! I admit I do have my immature side but they are so over dramatic and they go overboard. *sighs* I cannot wait until I start college.

So, what else is there? Well, I am having a stupid feud with my ex boyfriend. He is trying to make me look really bad and he has been saying some pretty dirty things. Oh well, I deleted him off of my myspace so that takes care of him. HA!

Now, I am going to listen to music and play with my webkinz. I love those little things! SOOOO CUTE! KAWAI!

Well, I will see you all later. For anyone who reads this that is.
