so i was thinking about how i have gone through five toilet paper rolls this month. by myself, not used for toiletries purposes. i have been sick for the past three days. and a couple weeks ago i was sick with the actual flu. you know, sometimes, well, must of us usually get a simple cold that lasts three to four days and we believe we had gotten the flu. well, the flu is worse than your average cold. i was stuck with a snotty nose and a hoarse voice for three weeks. and a fever for the first week of my sickness.
it sucked big time.
and it spread really quickly too. a couple older folks even died. how unfortunate. but that's the life in a hospital. you work with the sick, you risk becoming sick. anyways, i was just wondering where does all my snot covered toilet paper ends up. do i recycle it? usually i just toss it out into the garbage. better there than in my home. at least some strange animal will probably eat it since i have noticed that my dogs like to eat my snot covered trash. ew, i know disgusting. but apparently snot has an attractive taste - even adult humans consume it.
on other news, i have bought myself a laptop! WHOA! after telling myself for three consecutive years to acquire one, i finally did. yesterday. how exciting. i'm actually using it right now. it may be too big to carry around. and to think, i had wanted a seventeen incher. good thing i got a fifteen. the memory sucks. i honestly went on looks for this one. it's red. the other one i would had bought was the same yet had 8GB of memory. this one only has four. but i was like, i want the red one so i shall have the red one! and i did.
alright, i'm tired of writing and i shall go do something productive with my youthful time. maybe i'll draw with my new set of drawing pens? yeah! will so totally do that.
until next time if i am still living! ;D
or maybe it's a monday? the days all blur for me now. i don't mind the day blurring together. it isn't annoying until people ask you what day it is or when's the next holiday, and you have no idea and they look at you funny. . . which happens alot at work. dude, i'm still thinking we in 2010. honestly, i was reading the newspaper, when someone interrupted me and told me it was 2012. i was like "what?" then the guy said: "you said 2010. it's not 2010, it's 2012." and that was very embarrassing. . . i'm behind by two years. . . you don't notice the time go, huh?
well, moving on, there's really no reason as to why i am updating so soon. i'd thought another year would have to fly by before i update again. an interesting fact about me: i do have a journal that i write in almost every six months, but unfortunately, right now i haven't written in it for two years. i'll get to it soon, i won't forget about it. so, as to why i'm updating, no clue. i guess it's fun to write. yeah, writing is fun, especially when you have no direction. it's like talking a thousand miles per hour. you know you're never gonna make sense and absolutely no one's gonna understand you.
yap, guess that's it for now. still alive and growing strong, still doing what i do best: chillin', still just being ole lazy me. time to download more awesome music and fret over meaningless stuffs. . .
like this cool pen i got from work that has three colors. i drew and colored this lil' sakura with just that one pen! how awesome is that?!

yeah totally cool. . .
p.s. would anyone like to see some of my comics from years back? way back from when i actually drew more than doodles and ten second sketches, when i really actually made time to draw. did you know i did the same thing to books? of course you didn't, i never mentioned it before. well, when i was wayyy younger, i'd go through books like a camel goes through water in the desert. nowadays, i haven't finished a single novel, how depressing. . . anyway, i have a pile of unfinished crap just sitting there, tempting me to throw it all away, oh, excuse me, recycle it. and well, it's a shame, they never saw the light of day, or anyones' eyes besides mine. but i warn you, for anyone who would like to see 'em and ends up not thinking it's crap, i don't plan on continuing any of them. they're crap and i don't really have the time nor the will to keep going. although, it would be nice if i actually have an ending for one of them. . . just to say: "i started that, it had a beginning, middle and a frickin' end, (enter offensive word)!"
so that's it. hope everyone enjoys their free time.
take care and live strong because you might not have the strength tomorrow! :]
so yes, i have risen from the internet graveyard or where ever those people who are inactive go to. i have no idea what made me feel like posting again. maybe it was the music i was listening to? or the strange. . . yeah i got nothing. although the music does help alot.
right, so a quick update on my life so anyone reading this believes me when i say i'm not dead.
let see: i got a new job that i enjoy, i'm starting classes for R.N, super excited for that. on that topic, i had the interest to become a doctor but i don't have the pep for it, even though everyone at work tells me i should, but i'm like nop, that ship has sailed. if i wanted to be a doctor i would have started when i left highschool. i hate starting late for things. you see, if i would have started back then i would have been half way done by now, so being the stubborn mule i am, i refuse to change my mind and have devoted myself to the idea of become an official nurse! woot! so excited for that. it's gonna take alot of work, but i'll get there :D
back to the list: my dog has undeniably GAINED weight. she's like a sausage with legs LITERALLY, my younger sister bought a guinea pig which i call 'pig' or 'rat' or the Spanish word for black 'negro', rat 'rata', or fat 'gordo', and it has never had an official name; my ipod is 8 gigs and it is packed with songs, so much that i've have to delete old songs to put in newer songs. on that topic, i've been downloading so much songs, it's ridiculous; i haven't drawn much but i write like crazy -pointless stories involving my favorite anime couples, me = total loser- which i posted on fanfiction; oh, i'm currently sick right now with a small fever boarding 99.4 thru 99.8 thankfully not in the 100.0s, i'll get better soon; i have been addicted to Fullmetal Alchemist, Ouran host club, and Highschool of the Dead animes all because of netflix, damn that television!
okay that's it for now, i'm getting a minor headache. think i'll go take a nap or something. yeah, that sounds nice, i like napping, napping is so nice. . . *cough* so, hopefully this has convinced people that i am alive and somewhat well.
p.s. i'll upload a piece of crap picture of Olivier Milla Armstrong i whipped up in two minutes from my memory!
oh, hello, who-ever-likes-keeping-up-with-my-slow-life!
it's so nice of you to drop by, especially since i haven't been on theO in a really long time or so. yep, i have a perfectly good reason for my absence. . . okay, maybe not. . . oh, yes! finals got in the way! yeah! they got in the way of my internet life. it's weird though, because i have been updating my stories on fanfiction alot lately. so maybe they didn't get in the way? hmmm, yeah, i think i got lazy again. . .
well, no worries! i am back and ready to finish what i have started! oh and a big thank you for all you very nice people who sent me a virtual present from my birthday! i will be making time to type each one of you a nice longish 'TY' message.
so my obsessions lately have been the usual: Negima (OMFingG! chapter 312 comes out in three days! can't wait for that!), zombies (i've recently mixed 'world war z' with 'negima' on fanfiction), writing/typing (it so easy when you can do it on your phone ANYWHERE), drawing (yep, i got lots of art stuffed under my bed, mainly sketches), reading (got to keep the brain strong!) and cleaning.
so that's it. nothing big has happened. oh, if someone wants to read my stuff on FF just ask. i'm very shy when it comes to my writing, so if you were wondering why i didn't add my user name in this post that's why.
have a wonderful day/night!
ahhhhh, it's been a while since i last posted, i think...dang it, i had everything planned as to what i would type down, which, unsurprisingly, i FORGOT....great now i can't even spell right anymore. well, on here i can but i forgot how to spell a...
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