"You have been sheltered all of your life, but there will be a time when we wont be there for you. It is likely that instincts will not kick in and you will die. It is your choice; live the glory life here or die in reality."
- Professor Me

Here you are put into an unreal world where everything is different. Up is down and down is up. You each are what people call 'special', and are not used to reality.

You are one of 10 experiments, confined to a laboratory where its most likely that there will be a time when you go into a room and don't come out. You must escape and survive the new life you have.

Sign up!

One goal.


Itachiweasle -1-Masamune Hito aka Twitch
Pokemon Professer-2-Shina aka Blond
3-Contact me for further info
MetalHead Soul -4- Acelynn aka Trix
xNotUnderstood-5-Salvatore aka Rocket
6-Contact me for further info
Alicie-7-Inaruna aka Glimpse
LuminousIceNinja-8- Koori Tsumetai aka Hot Head(Image)
Black Kiss-9-Maxie aka Cut
tifafenrir-10-Sophia aka Tiger Girl
ZelostheGreat-Professor Me, Victor Me

Contact me if you want to join or other info.

Masamune Hito

Name: Masamune Hito

Number: 1

Appearence: constant twitch ,Shoulder length red hair, tall (6 feet), dilated(tiny) red eyes, pale skin

Personality: always seems to talk to himself ,Insane, crazy, demented, schizo, can be calm at times, blood lust, doesn't talk much unless he's in his insane state if he talks, he will usually speak in one word phrases

Special Ability: White Fire (burns at 2,370 degrees F)

They All are G-Gorgeous!

Victor I saw my dad in the lab and he sat down in one of those computer chairs. He saw me and smiled. "Here we go." He smiled and whirled around. He pushed the mic button. "Empty #9, #7, and #2s' tanks." He spoke into the mic. T...

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Maxie Profile

Number: 9

Appearance: Red long hair and yellow eyes. A nice smile and outfit changes. Most often a light pink sweater with a checkered skirt. Stylish boots to go.

Personality: Kind, wacky and wild. A great leader and trys to look on the bright side

Special Ability: Can fly and levitate items.

Sign Up

Name: Victor Me (Yes, he is the Prof.'s son) Number (Please note that you cannot be 3 or 6): N/A Appearance:A young man with brown hair and brown eyes. He is no Grey's real son, he is adopted, and doesn't know it. He usually wears a wh...

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Inaruna.....aka #7

Number (Please note that you cannot be 3 or 6):7
Appearance:Blond hair, red eyes, pointy ears, a white short dress, high socks, and red shoes.
Personality:cold, calculating to those she doesn't know.She enjoys revenge and puzzles.surprisingly she enjoys company and is fairly nice to her friends
Special Ability: Has great sight (can see really good and see small glimsps of the future and past.)
Picture (You don't have to have one):