"You have been sheltered all of your life, but there will be a time when we wont be there for you. It is likely that instincts will not kick in and you will die. It is your choice; live the glory life here or die in reality."
- Professor Me

Here you are put into an unreal world where everything is different. Up is down and down is up. You each are what people call 'special', and are not used to reality.

You are one of 10 experiments, confined to a laboratory where its most likely that there will be a time when you go into a room and don't come out. You must escape and survive the new life you have.

Sign up!

One goal.


Itachiweasle -1-Masamune Hito aka Twitch
Pokemon Professer-2-Shina aka Blond
3-Contact me for further info
MetalHead Soul -4- Acelynn aka Trix
xNotUnderstood-5-Salvatore aka Rocket
6-Contact me for further info
Alicie-7-Inaruna aka Glimpse
LuminousIceNinja-8- Koori Tsumetai aka Hot Head(Image)
Black Kiss-9-Maxie aka Cut
tifafenrir-10-Sophia aka Tiger Girl
ZelostheGreat-Professor Me, Victor Me

Contact me if you want to join or other info.

Maxie~A lot of Thinking

You know, when your really scared it makes you all jumpy. Im sure all of you know that. I was ready to fling myself out a window but only one problem: THIS PLACE DOSN"T HAVE FRIGGIN WINDOWS!!! I felt claustrofobic ever since i came here. I was ready to throw up. It came in waves. Like when i was playing Life, i didn't feel anything but when i was walking there, i staggered twice. Now were walking to the training room with a bunch of other people. I twirled my red hair. I loved my hair. It was long and...well...red.
We continued walking and i tripped over someone. "Im so sorry." i said in a hourse whisper. Just...gotta...keep...walking.
"Here we are at last." The creepy dude said. "The training room.

That didn't help my feelings on wanting to barf.

Number 5

Name:Salvatore will respond to Salv
Appearance:Tall guy,with emerald green eyes,brown hair that ends at his neck that spikes in the back a little with hair over his eyes.Changes his style of cloths a lot
Personality:A serious violent guy when its needed,but usually is very carefree,likes to make jokes,and is very calm and laded back.Likes cats
Special Ability:Can turn into a demon

I'm A Babysitter!

Victor The Numbers walked nervously into the unfamiliar room. I looked around as another set of beeps over the loudspeaker went off. Mostly everyone but me ducked down; spooked from the new noise. I looked over as I heard footsteps coming ...

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Number 8: Koori Tsumetai

Name: Koori(Japanese for "ice") Tsumetai (Japanese for "cold")
Number: 8
Appearance: Silver hair with a bluish tint to it and one lock covering her right eye. Indigo colored eyes.
Personality: Koori is as cold as the ice she commands. She can come off as abrasive and sometimes downright rude, but hidden underneath that is a genuine care and concern for those she addresses. Acts hostile and invincible, but does house a warm side.
Special Ability: Ice Needles
Picture: [URL=http://img42.imageshack.us/i/koori.jpg/]External Image

Everyone Is So "Special"

Victor They all sat there with blank faces, except Shina. She looked like she was going to jump out of her skin. "Sir, #1 is ready." The loudspeaker boomed. A few moments later, this creeper guy came out with a scientist closely watch...

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