Everyone Is So "Special"


They all sat there with blank faces, except Shina. She looked like she was going to jump out of her skin.
"Sir, #1 is ready." The loudspeaker boomed. A few moments later, this creeper guy came out with a scientist closely watching him. He was whispering stuff to himself. The person watching him put a seat out for him and he sat. I looked over at my dad. You see, he is able to make one's powers no work. His eyes look pale green (They were green to begin with), and really focused. He was most likely trying to control them all.
"Yo pops, what can they do...?" I pointed to all them. He stood by the creeper.
"This one is Masamune Hito, but we will call him the Twitch. He can create and use white fire." He moved over to the spooked.
"This is Shina, and she is my Blond. She can turn invisible for a short amount of time. She also has a soundless step." He moved over to solid missy.
"This is Inaruna, and she is able to see into the future and the past. She also has a very poor vision." He joked, then moved along to the red wonder.
"This is Maxie, but to me she is Cut. She can fly as well as a telekinetic, or a person who can move things with their mind." He moved over to me.
"You are the best creation yet." He put his hand on his shoulder. "I'm proud of you, son." He moved along.
"You will be moved into a room where you will be able to use your powers freely. Any abuse of your powers will result in going back into the tank. Understood?" He directed. He nodded towards me. I stood up.
"All right, lets get moving." I shooed them out of the room and led them down a hall. We arrived at our destination.
"Alright, we're here. Get on in."
