The Numbers walked nervously into the unfamiliar room. I looked around as another set of beeps over the loudspeaker went off. Mostly everyone but me ducked down; spooked from the new noise. I looked over as I heard footsteps coming our way. A girl with blue-ish hair followed by a scientist.
"This is Koori Tsumetai, but your father calls her Hot Head." He muttered something else not understandable. I looked around. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! I pulled out a board game from the shelves in the back of the room. I pulled out my favorite, Life. I set it on the ground and unpacked it.
"Hey, lets play Life." I suggested. Glimpse sat down and waited for me to finish putting it together. Blond walked over and sat across from me. Cut came over here and almost fell over two times along the way. Twitch mumbled to himself and finally convinced himself to come over. Hot Head examined me, then sat down.
"Alright, Glimpse, you are the white car. Cut, you're red. Twitch, you're green. Hot Head, you will be blue. Blond, you can be yellow. That leaves me with the... uh, purple car. Do you guys know how to play?" I joked. They all shook their heads. I explained it to them and gave them an example. Minutes later, everyone was rich and I was down to my only $100. Winning wasn't important to me, but I came in last, just to let you know.
"Bring them into the training room." My dad's voice boomed over the loudspeaker.