I don't mind explaining everything to them, but it is everything, so I didn't feel like talking. Dad walked in. My dad has and air de head turner. All eyes were on him. He walked in and looked at us with a surprised face. He sighed. That made me feel just great.
"Alright then. You will all show use what you can do. The firing order will go 1, 2, 7, 9, 8, you," He pointed to me... "Then 5. Do I need to repeat myself?" He stared at all the blank faces. I sighed.
"At the end of the room there is a target," I directed. "Hit it through any means, but it would be liked if you could do so with your 'specialness'. You will go in order. Lets start."
Ok, I want you guestposters to post your person attacking the dummy target. As said, you can do it through any means, but do it with your powers please. No one wants to read 'I wents up to da targett and hits it with ma fitss and stuffz'. IT WILL GO IN THE ORDER!