"What does that mean?"

Everyone stared at the door. We were unable to believe what had just happened. Natsuchan was Keijisama's niece? Natsuchan was Keijisama's niece?
That meant her mom and Keijisama were siblings?

I turned to Kamechan and tugged her sleeve, whispering “What's going to happen now?”
Kamechan frowned, thinking, “I don't know.” she finally answered. I thought for moment. “Do you think Natsuchan will be okay?”
“I'm sure she will be.” Kamechan answered with a calming smile. Amichan didn't look so sure.
“I dunno...” She said, “Her mom isn't expecting her back for a while...”
Kohakun nodded his agreement.

Keijisama looked at us, a cold smile forced on his face. “We will not think of her for the rest of the feast. Whatever trouble she gets into is her fault.”
Ami jumped up, outraged, “WHAT! How can you say that? You help cause this to y'know!”
she yelled. Keiji watched her with an entertained look.

Ami glares at him and announces that he's a f---ing b*****d. I don't know what that means, but Keijisama doesn't get mad, so it can't be bad. He just sighed and sat back down shaking his head slowly. I put down Patchikun and raised my hand like I'm in school. Keiji sighed, “Yes Mai?”
“...What does f---ing b*****d mean?”

Yes, I know, lame... is 1am here and I'm tired. Besides I don't really know haw a 9 year old can help with the plot. I decided she had a stuffed squirrel name Patchi (patch). He's a light brown clothe, and covered in patches (thus his name).

I only just realised Ami and Mai have the same letters in their name... I also just realized I've been spelling Ami's name weird. The Japanese version is spelled Aimi, meaning beauty
