A furthering of the plot...Sorta...

We waited with baited breath. Moments earlier Keiji had followed Kohaku out. To see if he was being truthful. A few minutes, and a scream later we knew. Natsumi and Kohaku were out there together. And Keiji had caught them doing something.

Minutes later still, the door slide open. Keiji stepped in side. “What happened?” I ask, trying to be as polite as I can. He smirked cruelly. When he got to the punishment of Kohaku, I jumped up, “You just left Kohaku out there!?” I cried, he glared at me, “You dare to question my tactics? What I do to my Zodiac is none of your concern!” Keiji snapped, his eyes glinted with anger. I bowed my head, “I am sorry, Keijisama. I will not question you again.”
“I will hold you to your word, Ami.” He said, in a soft voice.

He turned to Mai and Kameko, “Go find Kohaku. Bring him back.” He ordered. They left obediently. “Keiji,” I said softly, “Where is Natsumi?” He smiled once more, and told me. I fell silent, remembering the times I had been locked in there. Natsumi hates that room. I couldn't abandon her! I stood, “Where are you going?!” Keiji demanded. I made up a lie, fast, “Nature calls.” I shrugged. I walked to the restroom and pulled out my cellphone. I dialed Natsumi, to tell her that tonight I would help her get out if she could just wait for a little while longer.

