What was that about?


Mama closes the car door behind me, and takes my hand. "Mama, don't hold my hand!" I tell her urgently, "It's babyish!" Mama laughs, "Babyish?" She says, smirking. I sigh. Grownups never understand important things like how hand holding is babyish. "Mai," Mama says, "It's very busy, and I don't want to get separated!"

She pulls me inside, so that we can find Ami. Ami volunteered to take me to the resort, and keep an eye on me. I'm kind of scared, because I've never been around Ami alone. But Mama and Daddy say I'll be fine.

We walk into the food court and glance around for Ami. I see her first, and pull Mama over. A few minutes later and Mama leaves. Ami grins down at me, "C'mon!" she says brightly. She starts to reach for my hand, but I shake my head, stubbornly. "Holding hands is-" Ami cuts me off, "Babyish?" she says. I nod, and Ami shrugs. "Okay, whatever." She starts to walk toward the platform.

A little later we're on the train! Ami pulls out a sketch book, and starts drawing, while I stare our the window.


I smile at the elderly couple I just checked in, and direct them to a bell boy. "Have a good stay!" I call cheerfully as they walk away. My friend Aito grins at me,
"You're in a good mood today!" he says, "How come?"
I glare playfully at him,
"Do I have to have a reason?" I ask. He smirks and nods,
"If there's one thing I've learned, it's that Satomi Fukui is never happy just for kicks."
He says, trying desperately to flirt. I cock an eyebrow,
"You can save your flirting Aito! I'm taken." I say.
He pouts, "A man can try, right? And anyway, You beloved would never need know."
I grin again, "Actually, I'm happy because Ami and her family are vacationing here! The should be here anytime!" I turn from him and see a young man, about 19, waiting to be helped. I walk over to him.

"I'm sorry for the wait," I apologize, "Do you have a reservation?"
He nods, "It's under Sohma Keiji"
I smile warmly, wondering if this is Ami's Keiji. I check him in, and ask "Sir, do you happen to know an Ami Sohma? 17, short, blonde hair?" He raises an eyebrow, "Yes. I know her. Why?" I smile brightly, "So you're the Keiji she talks about!" He stares at me, looking annoyed. "Oh..." I blush, "Sorry... I'm Satomi Fukui, I'm friends with Ami. Well, girlfriend really..." He glares at me, "Girlfriend? " he says, coldly, "As in?"

I'm startled by his sudden mood change, "As is, dating?" I say, softly and nervously. His cold glare turns into a look of hatred, and he walks away quickly. I stare after him, confused. "What was that about?" I wonder out loud, A voice answers me, making me jump, "Keiji's always like that."

Who answered Satomi??? That's up to the next poster! Poor Satomi, no idea what she said.
....I just found a bit of tree sap in my hair. It's so sticky I'll have to cut it out...Grr. That's what I get for playing outside in the Pacific North West!
