What I Like About: Code Lyoko


I think the circumstances surrounding your interaction with some of your Nostalgia Pieces are a big part of the experience. For me, a person who came up during the 2000s, that feeling of coming home from 1st and 2nd Grade, eating a snack after a long day of school, and hurrying to finish the little bit of homework that I had in order to catch the Miguzi Block on good ol’ Cartoon Network.

At that time most of the novelty of watching your favorite show was carving your day around making sure you were able to sit in front of the TV at your show’s designated time. If you were stuck in traffic or had to run errands and you started watching your 7:30 show at 7:37 you’d be miffed to miss something! If you ran out of snacks and didn’t want to miss your show, you’d wait until commercial to do your business and come back! If you were early you would get to watch the transition bumper indicating that it was time for your favorite series or favorite block to start—setting in that “It’s my time” feeling.

During the Miguzi Block I remember a few particular shows. I think “Totally Spies” (which I believe was a Canadian production) was one of them, but Miguzi also featured action anime like “Dragonball Z” and “Zatch Bell!” In between them was a show called “Code Lyoko” and although I was really into anime, this one piqued my interest as well.