Quizzies//:://Jacked From Djayy

Have you ever kissed someone? Yea

What about French kiss? No

Have you ever had oral sex? Um,gross.

Have you ever had sex? Nope

Have you ever skinny dipped? Kinda, but I Was little and it was in my neighbor's little kiddy pool

Have you ever seen a porno movie, magazine or website? Yes.

Have you ever drank alcohol? Yeah, My mom gives me a very little amount of wine at new years

Have you ever gotten drunk? Nope.

Have you ever cheated on a test in school? Too Many Times

Have you ever cut a class at school? Yeah

Have you ever gotten in a fist fight? Soooo many, i hated it.

Have you ever smoked cigarettes? NOOO! THOSE THINGS SHOULD DIE!!

Have you ever smoked pot? No, But I Saw someone do it

Have you ever shoplifted? Afain, once but I was little

Do you steal from work? I've stolen a pen from the art room

Have you ever been suspended? no

Have you ever been arrested? Yeah, cause you know, Im a Bad ass Criminal. Jk, no I Havent

Have you ever taken money from a collection plate? It was a Penny and I was three!!.

Have you ever stolen someones boyfriend or girlfriend? I Dont think so....

Have you ever cheated on a partner? Kinda, but the other girl kissed me and I Slapped her

Have you trespassed? Maybe, I Dunno

Have you ever movie jumped? I Think

Have you ever made someone bleed? Yea

Have you ever tried to kill someone? no.

Have you ever screamed out the wrong persons name during sex? Again, I havent had sex

Have you ever lied to a loved one? Small things.

Have you ever gotten alcohol poisoning? Nope

Have you ever given someone a dutch oven? EW NO.

Have you stayed on a date after midnight? Does talking on msn count if thats all you can do?.

Have you had a one night stand? Again, Im A Virgin.

Have you ever told someone elses secret that you swore not to tell? Kinda

Have you ever walked in on people having sex? Might have

Ever walk in on your parents or sibling having sex? ewww nooo

Do you curse often? Yeas, Perhaps too much

Have you ever yelled at your principal in school? I've yelled at a teacher

Have you ever told someone, outside your family, you loved them seriously? Yes.

Have you ever toilet papered someone's house? No.

Have you fantasized about sex? Ummmm, No. But I guess I Do Wonder about it

Have you ever gotten a tattoo or piercing? Either than ears no But I Want to

Have you ever spied on a neighbor? yeah

Have you ever written on school property? All the time

Have you ever used a hair coloring product? Yes, I Love it. Speaking of which I have to call my cousin

Have you made up and spread evil rumors about someone? No.

Video//:://The 80s Called... KimLovesTheInternet

Quizzie//::// Jacked From Youtube!!(KimLovesTheInternet) 50 Thangs!

Okay, This is Fifty things.
Write The Fifty Things that describe you best.

1 Music
2 <3
3 Sweaters
4 Random
5 Off
6 Crazy
7 Bi<3
8 Lawl
9 Laugh
11 Internet
12 Unicorn
13 Superpowers
14 Random Dancing!!!
15 Bitch
16 Bffls
17 Gumball Machine
18 Gumballs
19 Wristbands
20 Tall ish
21 Weird
22 Awkward
23 Simple Plan Raised me
24 My Bestees
25 My Cousin Khal
26 Miley Cyrus should Burn
27 Canada~
28 Joose!!~
29 “Fat”
30 Outdoor Concerts/Free!!
31 Youtube
32 MP3
33 Tim Burton!
34 Ice Cream Cake
35 Scene Hair
36 My Hair <3
37 my Answering Machine (It was Recorded like, five (At Least) years ago)
38 Pokemon
39 Chocolate milk
40 Hello Kitty Is The Sesso
41 Ninja
42 Lime Green<3
43 Old School Punk
44 Electric Blue<3
45 Fudgicles
46 Straighteners
47 Old People Are the Shit!
48 Nail Polish
49 Freezepop&&Techy Dance Music
50 I have Wayyyyyy to much time on my hand

Quizzie//::// Jacked form Jess

Is there anybody you just wish would fall off the planet?
Well, Kinda, I'd Rather Launch them into space without food or gear, then explode whatever planet they land on

How do you flush the toilet in public?
Well, You Push.Pull the Little Handle or whatever it is, then the water comes and takes nasties away.

Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?
Most Of the time.

Do you have a crush on someone?
Yes, But I Completely Missed my chance to talk to her...

Name one thing you worry about running out of.

What famous person do you (or other people) think you resemble?
Ummm No One?

What is your favorite pizza topping?
Pepperoni and Bacon is the Sesso. (Props to jess for teaching me that word)

Do you crack your knuckles?
Rarely on purpose, But Sometimes

What song do you hate the most?
Let It Rock

Did just mentioning that song make it get stuck in your head?
Fuck it. Yeah.

What are your super powers?
Imma Unicorn!!

Peppermint or spearmint?
Ummm Chocolate mint.
Eat That.

Where are your car keys?
Well... You know what? Lets not get into that.

Whose answers to this questionnaire do you want to hear?
Amby Bambies!!

What's your most annoying habit?
I Scratch my nose alot.
Or I play with my feet.

Where did you last go on vacation?
Um, the Beach?

What is your best physical feature?
Ummmm My hair?
And My Eyes. I Love my eyes

What CD is closest to you right now?
The Linkin Park Live CD.

What 3 things can always be found in your refrigerator?

What superstition do you believe/practice?
Pretty much none

What color are your bed sheets?
Sponge Bob!!!
Fer Sure!!

Would you rather be a fish or a bird?
Cant I Be Both? A Bird With Gills or A Fish with wings would be the shit!

Do you talk on your cell phone when you drive?
I use it on my bike.

What are your favorite sayings?
Your mo, Lol, Jkjkjklololol, Fer Sure, The Sesso, The Sex, The shit

What song(s) do you sing most often in the shower?
Ummm, I Sing alot of Yeah Yeah Yeahs and and Scotty Vanity and Fer Sure by the Medic Droid and Death Cab and Alot of other stuff

If you could go back or forward in time,where would you go?
Neither. Or I Would Go Forward like, five minutes and start laughing my ass off for no reason.

What is your favorite Harrison Ford movie?

What CD is in your stereo?
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm The Yeah Yeah Yeahs Its Blitz

What CD will be in your stereo in a few minutes?
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs Its Blitz

How many kids do you plan on having?
One to four

If you could kiss anyone who would it be?
My Ex or my Crush.

What do you do when no one is watching?
I Sing and dance like a fucking retard

If they made a movie about your life, what actor/actress would be you?
Hayden Panatiere or however you pronounce it.
She Looks nothing like me, but I love her!
Or This girl Off Youtube, KimLovesTheInternet. She's Like Me only Taller, Older and Prettier

Would you rather die in a blaze of glory or peacefully in your sleep?
In my Sleep

Coffee or Tea?
Chai Latte.
Best Of Both Words
LOL I wrote Words I Meant Worlds

Favorite musician(s)/bands you've seen in concert?
Second. Hand. Pants.

Have you ever been in love?

Do you talk to yourself?
Yes. Im P.I.P. Partially Insane and Proud

Quizzie//::// Boy/Girl side (Jacked from Djayy and Jess)


(x) You love hoodies.
(x) You love jeans.
(x) Dogs are better than cats.
(x) It's hilarious when people get hurt.
(x) You've played with/against boys on a team.
(x) Shopping is torture.
(x) Sad movies suck.
() You own an X-Box.
(x) Played with Hotwheel cars as a kid.
(x) At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter.
(x) You own a DS, PS2 or Sega.
(x) You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers.
(x) You watch sports on TV.(Baseball with my daddy!)
(x) Gory movies are cool.
( ) You go to your dad for advice
( ) You own like a trillion baseball caps.
(x) You like going to football games
(x) You used to/do collect baseball cards.
(x) Baggy pants are cool to wear. (Only sometimes)
() It's kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.
(x) Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors.
(x) you love to go crazy and not care what people think.
(x) Sports are fun.
(x) Talk with food in your mouth.
(x) Wear boxers. (My Mommy made me a pair once apon a time, but then I Lost them. I Missle them!"

Total: 22


(X) You wear lip gloss.
(X) You love to shop. (I Have A Love Hate Relationship)
() You wear eyeliner.
(x) You have some of the same shirts in different colors. (But their undershirts, so Idk If It Counts)
( ) You wear the color pink.
(X) Go to your mom for advice.
( ) You consider cheerleading a sport.
( ) You hate wearing the color black.
(x) You like hanging out at the mall.
( ) You like getting manicures and/or pedicures.
(X) You like wearing jewelry.
( ) Skirts are a big part of your wardrobe.
() Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.
(X) You don't like the movie Star Wars.
(X) You are/were in cheerleading, gymnastics or dance.
() It takes you around 1 hour to shower, get dressed, and put on make-up and accessories.
() You smile a lot more than you should.
(x) You have more than 10 pairs of shoes.
(x) You care about what you look like.
( ) You like wearing dresses when you can.
(X) You like wearing body spray/perfume/cologne.
(x) You wear girl underwear.
(x) Used to play with dolls as little kid.
() Like putting make-up on someone else for the joy of it.
(X) Like taking pictures of yourself with your cell phone/camera.

Total: 14

Yeah, I'm really guy-ish