Quizzies//:://Jacked From Djayy

Have you ever kissed someone? Yea

What about French kiss? No

Have you ever had oral sex? Um,gross.

Have you ever had sex? Nope

Have you ever skinny dipped? Kinda, but I Was little and it was in my neighbor's little kiddy pool

Have you ever seen a porno movie, magazine or website? Yes.

Have you ever drank alcohol? Yeah, My mom gives me a very little amount of wine at new years

Have you ever gotten drunk? Nope.

Have you ever cheated on a test in school? Too Many Times

Have you ever cut a class at school? Yeah

Have you ever gotten in a fist fight? Soooo many, i hated it.

Have you ever smoked cigarettes? NOOO! THOSE THINGS SHOULD DIE!!

Have you ever smoked pot? No, But I Saw someone do it

Have you ever shoplifted? Afain, once but I was little

Do you steal from work? I've stolen a pen from the art room

Have you ever been suspended? no

Have you ever been arrested? Yeah, cause you know, Im a Bad ass Criminal. Jk, no I Havent

Have you ever taken money from a collection plate? It was a Penny and I was three!!.

Have you ever stolen someones boyfriend or girlfriend? I Dont think so....

Have you ever cheated on a partner? Kinda, but the other girl kissed me and I Slapped her

Have you trespassed? Maybe, I Dunno

Have you ever movie jumped? I Think

Have you ever made someone bleed? Yea

Have you ever tried to kill someone? no.

Have you ever screamed out the wrong persons name during sex? Again, I havent had sex

Have you ever lied to a loved one? Small things.

Have you ever gotten alcohol poisoning? Nope

Have you ever given someone a dutch oven? EW NO.

Have you stayed on a date after midnight? Does talking on msn count if thats all you can do?.

Have you had a one night stand? Again, Im A Virgin.

Have you ever told someone elses secret that you swore not to tell? Kinda

Have you ever walked in on people having sex? Might have

Ever walk in on your parents or sibling having sex? ewww nooo

Do you curse often? Yeas, Perhaps too much

Have you ever yelled at your principal in school? I've yelled at a teacher

Have you ever told someone, outside your family, you loved them seriously? Yes.

Have you ever toilet papered someone's house? No.

Have you fantasized about sex? Ummmm, No. But I guess I Do Wonder about it

Have you ever gotten a tattoo or piercing? Either than ears no But I Want to

Have you ever spied on a neighbor? yeah

Have you ever written on school property? All the time

Have you ever used a hair coloring product? Yes, I Love it. Speaking of which I have to call my cousin

Have you made up and spread evil rumors about someone? No.
